Wisdom teeth out - hard to find low carb mush!

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Mrs Mimoo

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I had two wisdom teeth out this week on Monday, V sore mouth but can't eat mash potato any more or pasta or ice cream! (suggestions from dentist). Is celeriac mash an option? Have been mainly eating exante shakes and plain greek yoghurt with a fybogel chaser.....!
Scrambled eggs? Cauliflower mash? I am not much of a cook, I'm afraid...but I sympathise. I had my wisdom teeth out many years ago, but still remember how painful they had become!
Raspberries and strawberries are relatively low carb. Mashed up are good to eat. Not a meal, I know but at least something else to consider, maybe
Eggs beaten up with milk or cream, turn them into egg custard if you’re a competent enough cook not to overheat and curdle the mix, (add a bit of sweetener if you like) eat warm, or freeze and turn into soft ice cream.
Soup hot or cold?
cauliflower cheese, or swede instead of potato in bubble and squeak or put cheese with that too.
I have resorted to a pressure cooker to cook swede as it takes far less time to do than in an open pan and every little change helps these days - I can see the difference in gas use as I am keeping an eye on the meters.
I am even extra frugal and turning off the gas and getting extra cooking time by leaving it to cool rather than releasing the pressure.
Berries with chilled cream.
Egg custards.
Crustless quiche.
Cottage cheese.
Tesco diet shakes with cold milk.
egg custad not a prob to cook, esp if you have eg a roasting tin you can use as a bain marie to bung the pudding dish into with the 'raw' custard in it, fill the space with water and bung in the oven - the water protects the sides of the custard overcooking or getting too hot too quick.
I would be wary of berries as the seeds may well get stuck in the gum cavities and irritate.

Hope you heal well and are back to eating proper food soon.
@rebrascora Good point about the berries. Ever thought of that.
Absolutely no idea beyond soup @Mrs Mimoo , just wanted to send my sympathy and hope you get better soon x
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