Winter lurgies already

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All,

So I picked up a cough a few weeks, its not covid, and is not on my chest, so haven't seen any medical people. I don't feel unwell it is more annoying than anything.

And now it seems to add to the cough disturbing my sleep I now have a UTI. And it is just autumn, already over it.

Gonna see how I feel in a few days and then contact my surgery.

How is everyone else getting on?

Need my flu jab and booster but not booking if I am already under the weather.

Sorry I am just moaning.
I've got the beginnings of a cold which is typical for me at this time of year. I seem to get one every 3 months as the seasons change for some reason.
I am still ducking and diving and masking (but to a lesser extent these days) to avoid lurgies and don't think I have had anything for 3+ years now. It may however be because I have much less contact with people than most others. If there are any horse to people viruses develop I will be goosed though! 🙄

Hope you feel better soon.
My immune system is shot since having the AZ jab
I have had to accept that I am very easily infected with anything, be it a cold a cut or a sore throat. I have to be really careful about washing my hands after anyone else has handled it, the post, for instance.
I've had both my flu jab and booster, but getting the booster would have been a nightmare for people who are still wary of mixing in crowds. Luckily they were ensuring people were wearing masks (those who are able) but there must have been 100+ people in the venue. My best friend (Parkinsons and complex medical needs including long covid and DVT from the AZ jab) is terrified of going out still, she would have been a nervous wreck!

Anyway, hope your lurgies clear up soon @PhoebeC x
Yep, had a cough for a while recently l.
But I am going out, pubs, concerts, theatre, so it's to be expected.
Off for my flu jab and COVID booster on the 14th.

For colds and sniffles, I find fresh air to be a great prophylactic, and if the worst comes to the worst: At the very first sign of a sore throat or sniffle I use the following remedy:

  • 2 fresh tomatoes cut into quarters
  • 4 fresh cloves of garlic cut into batons
  • Generous dashes of cinnamon, ginger and ground cloves
  • Salt and pepper
  • Aspirin
  • Hot bath
  • Mouthwash
  • Stick the batons of garlic into the quartered tomatoes
  • Sprinkle with the cinnamon, ginger and cloves
  • Add salt and pepper to taste

After eating the above:
  • Gargle with the mouthwash
  • Take a couple aspirin
  • Soak in hot bath with scented oils of choice
  • Retire to bed for an early night
Believe me, it works every time.

Hope you feel better soon

UTIs are horrible @PhoebeC Do speak to your GP and get the antibiotics in early if you need them. I hope you feel better soon as they’re miserable. I hope your cough goes soon too. Rest and look after yourself. xx
Off for my flu jab and COVID booster on the 14th.

For colds and sniffles, I find fresh air to be a great prophylactic, and if the worst comes to the worst: At the very first sign of a sore throat or sniffle I use the following remedy:

  • 2 fresh tomatoes cut into quarters
  • 4 fresh cloves of garlic cut into batons
  • Generous dashes of cinnamon, ginger and ground cloves
  • Salt and pepper
  • Aspirin
  • Hot bath
  • Mouthwash
  • Stick the batons of garlic into the quartered tomatoes
  • Sprinkle with the cinnamon, ginger and cloves
  • Add salt and pepper to taste

After eating the above:
  • Gargle with the mouthwash
  • Take a couple aspirin
  • Soak in hot bath with scented oils of choice
  • Retire to bed for an early night
Believe me, it works every time.

Hope you feel better soon

Haven’t got a bath, only a shower :(
UTIs are horrible @PhoebeC Do speak to your GP and get the antibiotics in early if you need them. I hope you feel better soon as they’re miserable. I hope your cough goes soon too. Rest and look after yourself. xx
Theres no appointments in person until 26th, and telephone 12th.
Soon doesn’t seem an option.

And I can’t really rest, audit at work tomorrow (wfh), supposed to be in the office Thursday and playing rugby on Saturday.

I’m too busy to be ill 🙄
Hi All,

So I picked up a cough a few weeks, its not covid, and is not on my chest, so haven't seen any medical people. I don't feel unwell it is more annoying than anything.

And now it seems to add to the cough disturbing my sleep I now have a UTI. And it is just autumn, already over it.

Gonna see how I feel in a few days and then contact my surgery.

How is everyone else getting on?

Need my flu jab and booster but not booking if I am already under the weather.

Sorry I am just moaning.

Wise to wait untill your well before having vaccines, they do ask if your well anyway before giving them. Hope you get better soon.
Antibiotics for the UTI. Picked up today, already one dose in.

Levels fine. Just not sleeping which is beyond annoying
Yep, had a cough for a while recently l.
But I am going out, pubs, concerts, theatre, so it's to be expected.
It’s tricky isn’t it the balance between life and health.

I think our daughter is bringing everything back from her new high school. All the new teenage germ pool
I've got the beginnings of a cold which is typical for me at this time of year. I seem to get one every 3 months as the seasons change for some reason.
Hopefully you fight it off well and you feel better soon
Yep, had a cough for a while recently l.
But I am going out, pubs, concerts, theatre, so it's to be expected.
@travellor Did your cough clear up?
Mine is still lingering, but it's hardly there and booked my flu jab for next weekend 🙂

@CivicFreak did you beat the cold?
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