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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I forgot to tell you that i have given up wine, well all alcohol until i lose a stone, then i can have a bottle! I only started last week and lost 8lbs, so just 6 more before i can have a drink... i can do it! lol.. not noticed a change in BG's though.

Good on you! Be careful after the 6ibs are up, one sniff and you'll hit the deck =)
Good luck Julie! I'm on the wagon at the moment as I've been piling on the pounds and the only thing I can pin it down to is the booze! I already feel better and have lost a couple of pounds!:D
Well done you for already losing 8lbs, I've completely given up alcohol for an entirely different reason 😉
hehe, looks like we are all avoiding alcohol at the moment. I havent had any for 2 weeks now because I was drinking far too much. Im thinking of having a couple on friday, but not as much as I usually would!

Goodluck with losing the rest of the weight, wish I could lose 8lbs so quickly :D
I'm trying to be on the wagon too - but that's because I have started to feel really queasy when drinking wine. Mind you I am out tonight and want to see if it still has the same effect! Well done on losing weight tho Julie - I'm hoping it will have the same effect on me!
Julie thats ace frightening what would happen if we were all as good as you!

On a side I hope they do ban all alcohol advertising! No need for it.

Hope you all suceed in your individual quests for soberdom! Seriously.

Me however I've been dry for well long enough nearly 18hours! hehe, may have a wee nip tonight too.
Well from your pic and your motto Rossi I would hardly expect you to stay sober for longer than that anyway! Lol! Fair play!

Good luck to all who are tee total at tho month and well done to those who have lost weight from cutting out the drink!
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