Wine red or white?


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I used to enjoy having a glass of wine with a meal, but have not done so since 2016 when I was diagnosed.
Does anyone ever have a glass with a meal?
Yes I certainly do! I prefer a decent full bodied red - not too dry for me.

A Merlot is nice, but there are certainly better - and more expensive! ones,
I am so pleased, my late hubby and I belonged to Corney & Barrow wine society we could go for tastings etc. They do a lovely New Zealand Pino Noir exclusive to them. I didn't renew after my hubby died but also when finding out I was diabetic. My preference is deep red Merlot or Shiraz also
Shiraz is my fav too, but I do a small glass half and half with water.
At the risk of sounding like a Philistine I've never liked wine, always preferring a beer, though I don't drink at all these days. Pre-diagnosis it was always a glass of milk with a meal, nowadays a glass of water.
I go for a chilled Sauvignon Blanc or Shiraz/Merlot if having red
Sauvignon Blanc is a safe dry white wine for a typical Type 2. Very little sugar. In my case it causes BG levels to to down, not up. I imagine it depends on diabetes severity? What I really worry about though is a fatty liver. If I drink too much, will my fatty liver return? Probably. That would be bad. If I could get through a week drinking less at this present time, I would. If I must (and I must this week) a dry white wine like a Sauvignon Blanc looks very good on a CGM.
Sauvignon Blanc for me.

We intend to drink at weekends only and nothing Mon-Thu. However my OH sometimes comes up with the excuse that we are watching a programme that was broadcast at the weekend so …
Thanks everyone I will probably have a glass just now and then so was just wondering if it was ok!
Red for me too
Dry White, usually Sauvignon Blanc or Chenin Blanc. Occasionally Chardonnay, but not a big fan.
I do drink rose from time to time - generally dry - pinot grigio blush, malbec rose, or sauvignon blush.
On the rare occasion I drink red, it tends to be malbec, but am open to others, as long as not too full bodied.
I think I'm an exception. A good dry white (or I do like a Rosé but it seems white is the better choice for now).
I love cooking with red, I think it adds wonderful flavour but can't abide the taste of any I've tried to drink.