Will it get easier - 4 year old

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
hi everyone, Harry who is 4 has been on the pump for just over 2 months now, and I feel we are getting nowhere, his levels range from 4 -20 and we keep tweaking basal rates etc but no 2 days are the same.

Our diabetes team have assured me that things will settle down once we have his basal right.

I am so scared becasue he starts full time school in september and I have to hand over all this to them , which at the moment is filling me with dread.

I am up every 2 hours in the night as his levels are so unpredictable .

we are basal testing this weekend which I am dreading because trying to tell a 4 year old he cant have toast etc will be a nightmare.

Please re assure me !! Helen (slowly going insane mum )
Sorry to hear you are going through the mill Helen :(

I started on the pump in November 11 and while I didn't have all the growth hormonws of a 4 year old to contend with it did take a good 3 months to settle initially, then another 3 of gradual improvement. And probably a year all in all until I felt really steady, but after that - Brilliant!

Are you aware of any problems with his infusion sets? This was one of the things that it took me a while to realise/resolve. I was having 15s-20s every 4-8 weeks whish got sorted when I changed to a fresh set but comparing with folks on here it seemed to be an unusually high failure rate. I swapped to angled ones which suit me much better and by contrast I've not had a failure in 6 months!

Good luck with the basal tests - deffo the first thing to sort out. Stock up on sugar free jelly!! Does he like bacon and eggs? (might do for a no-carb breakfast, not ideal for accuracy but could help given his age)
Keep at it. It does get easier but try to learn from misstakes etc. I know i shouldnt say it but dont try to be perfect with bg levels. Dont go loopy its not worth it 😉 Good luck
Hi Helen,

I can honestly say it does get easier, but it does take time to get right.

I think it's a little less gruelling to do the basal testing in chunks - do the first part of the night, check a couple of nights to ascertain your findings, then do the other part, then brekkie to midday etc. So once you are relatively happy with results from one part, move it on.

It would be best to crack the nights first so you are starting well on good numbers for the brekkie chunk and so on.

The nights start with an easy tea/supper that isn't going to be hanging around digesting later in the night. (TBH I find a tin of kid's pasta as the main carb for her tea suits the insulin well - but that may just be my child)Also that he has had a normal day for him, nothing too out of his usual routine.

As suggested, you can't expect to fast a young child without a fuss and so sf jelly, and other non carb foods may help placate him.

Fingers crossed for you to see some better results soon x
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