Will be getting the pump soon :)

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Well, my hba1c is now 10.2% .. despite carb counting, splitting lantus + changing ratios, so my consultant has referred me for the pump (even though my dsn said 10months ago that i needed the pump). I got a letter on wednesday that informed me that my pump information evening is on feb 29th :D

there will be maximum of six people there and the two dsns will answer any questions, demonstrate the two pumps they offer (animas + medtronic) and if you are certain you want the pump, they will then apply for funding and once this is accepted they will order your choosen pump 🙂

Anyone else been to one of these evenings? how long did it take for you to get funding granted?

It was a bit of a different process for me, but the 'waiting' bit will be because of red tape, ie the letter arriving from your consultant to the PCT, the person at the PCT opening it, someone passing it over to the relevant person, them passing it over to the person who can sign it off...if they drag their heels, just give the PCT a ring and ask them to hurry it up (that's what I did!). Your hospital will probably want to have written confirmation from the PCT that they will fund the pump - I got the PCT to email my DSN with this and she placed an order for my pump very shortly after that.
We went to a "show and tell" afternoon. It was for the teens who needed/wanted a pump. That was exactly a year ago. They said the same, if interested let them know. I let them know the day after.
Because of the Easter Holidays (we went away) everything got slightly delayed and Carol started pumping at the end of June 🙂
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