Wife ill - what should I do?

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Hello Lez

Sorry to hear about your wife's illness. I've moved your posts into their own thread so that they don't get missed.

Those levels do sound worrying.

Does your wife have any way of checking ketones (either blood or urine?)

Good to know that you have some insulin injected which is reducing blood glucose levels. Drinking water can help when Blood glucose is high. Best to keep monitoring, to make sure her BG reduces safely
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At least phone 111 for some advice, she might need to go into hospital with levels like that if they won't come down.
Thanks thus far for all your help. She won't let me ring out as she doesn't want to go to the hospital, she has just drank a glass of water though.
If you cannot test ketones it could be that your wife is in quite a dangerous condition. How long have her BG levels been high?

As your wife probably knows, high BG with insufficient insulin can cause the build up of ketones in the blood which can become acidic and can lead to severe problems and organ damage rapidly.

It would be worth going to A&E to be on the safe side.
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I can understand the not wanting to go to hospital as both myself and my mom hated are local one. I don't mean to be pushy, but some times one has to make the call. As everydayupsand down says how long have her levels been this high as it can lead to a dangerous condition and hospital would be the best place for her.
How is your wife today Lez?
Good morning Lez. Hope your wife is feeling better today - how are things this morning?
Thanks for letting us know - please keep in touch
Thanks for the support guys. Her sugar levels were down to 20 this morning and 15 at 6pm. She is asleep now but getting stronger.
Great to hear Lez 🙂 I hope she recovers fully very soon 🙂 Thanks for letting us know 🙂
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