Why would you recommend your diabetes team?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I'm looking to change my diabetes clinic as I'm not satisfied with the support I'm getting - only be on the pump since mid-November 2016.

I'm interested to find out what makes others confident in their diabetes clinic.

I never see anyone which is bliss as far as I am concerned 🙂

For your own needs though you need to decide what you want and what you need from a team and take it from there. What other people want/need is irrelevant as we are all so different..
Getting good advice consistently - nothing earth changing most likely but a fair bit of stuff I hadn't a clue about - and always a full explanation about why they are suggesting whatever it is. I trust them with ME!

I don't feel I'm going to see anyone I'm likely to have any trouble with - and they listen if I don't agree - and we don't fall out about disagreeing. More like mates, who I only see twice a year!
I never see anyone which is bliss as far as I am concerned 🙂

For your own needs though you need to decide what you want and what you need from a team and take it from there. What other people want/need is irrelevant as we are all so different..

Fair point. I am looking for me! But it is INTERESTING to hear other people's perspective as it might make me reflect on my views etc.
Can I ask, what support you don't feel you are getting - then those of us using pumps can tell you if we have had it - because if none of us got it, there;s not much point in changing! LOL
seeing the same consultant is important to me if I have had seen them for years and felt confident they know my case history, also having their attention and not feeling you are getting rushed through and out the door while they just tick boxes and close your notes! I used to have this until doctors and DSNs changed/left/work less clinic days etc so I don't known how to change clinics in my area. In the end I think it's more up to us for a DIY approach and just ask staff for the bits we can't sort ourselves 🙄
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