why when hypo?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ok , why when hypo do things not affect you as much as normal , i mean for example... i can down a bottle of freezing cold fizzy lucozade and nothing happens no brain freeze no overly fizzy feeling , or eat something that normally you cant stand eg cheese sandwich ( i despise cheese ) taste buds seem to go out the window while hypo, just find it really odd does anyone else get this? :D
When you're hypo your brain is very confused. It doesn't know you have diabetes and can't work out why it can't get any energy to work properly, so it could be a lot to do with that😱🙂
My sense of taste seems to go when hypo - the only time I can justify full sugar coke & I can't enjoy it alas! 🙄 Probably a good thing though when the only hypo food around isn't appealing! ... Maybe it's because the brain's being starved so switches to "essentials" only functions or something?? :confused:
I get the serious munchies, it's a nightmare! Something to do with no symptoms till low 2s I think.

I've been known to eat condensed milk straight out of the tube and now keep some in the cupboard for special occasions 😉:D, and I actually quite like Glucogel...no taste at all!

Doesn't matter how hypo I am though, I cannot STAND the taste of full fat coke (or pepsi at all, whether diet or not).
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