why the sudden change?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi all , things have been ticking along nicley with me and my pump , but a couple of days ago i started getting higher b.s i didnt think much of it and just corrected as normal thought mabey i had carb counted wrong

i spent the last couple of days correcting every time i did my b.s and so i have now had to put my basal rate up , its worked i woke with a b.s of 6.3 so im happy about that

what dont understand is why the sudden change? , i am not doing anything different and cant understand why my insulin requirements have gone up?
My insulin requirements, and therefore basals, change all the time. I can get everything perfect one day, and the next they're allover the place again. At the moment I'm having lots of hypos becuase I'd put up my basals due to high BG. For me, it tends to be hormones causing the problem! Don't stress too much - so long as you can spot the patterns and change your basal accordingly (which you've obviously done, & with success) I wouldn't worry too much!
I dont pump but I agree with bigpurpleduck..........my insulin requirements change all the time, not as regularly as weekly or even monthly but they do change..........together with illness and excercise (weight loss) your really chasin your tail all the time................thats the beauty of diabetes, not..................:D🙂
Hey Becky,

My insulin requirements change with the weather which is hugely irritating. A few days before I feel ill my BG's tend to be higher too. The fact that I'm heavier than I used to be when started pumping has also pushed up my requirements.

well i have started to think... is it due to the weather.. its not as hot that does affect my b.s levels , possibly hormonal lol , ahh will never know lol but atleast the up in basal has sorted it and all back to normal 😛
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