Why the difference?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Can anyone explain why my blood glucose has just tested at 15.4 when I’ve eaten almost identically to yesterday when it tested at 7.6. I eat the same things most days up until teatime and can’t understand why it’s so high today.
Have you retested? It is always wise to retest if you get a particularly unusual reading. Sometimes it can be just a bit of contamination on your fingers from passing someone else a jar of marmalade or even chopping onions.... or it could be a rogue test strip.
Other things to consider....
What was your waking reading this morning before eating? It may also have been higher. Did you sleep well or poorly? Poor sleep can lead to higher morning readings and if you then eat that adds onto the higher waking reading. Stress can push your levels up. Illness or impending illness, sometimes before you get any symptoms can elevate levels quite significantly as your liver releases extra glucose for your body to fight and infection.
Lots of possibilities if it genuinely is high, but start with a retest to confirm it is actually high.
Yeah, washed my hands and retested but not much difference. My waking reading was unexpectedly high but by 12 noon had returned to normal. I slept well and got up at the same time because I forgot it was a Saturday. I had chills and fever and extreme fatigue earlier in the week, I’ve had the same thing 3 times before since a liver transplant but the transplant team and the diabetic consultant both say it’s not connected to them. Thanks
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