Why not


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Why not use the same sweeteners in chocolate that they use in diet sodas? I can consume large amounts of diet drinks without experiencing a laxative effect. Why not just put them in chocolate too?
They used to. It didn't taste the same or have the same textures. And sweets or chocolates with some sweeteners do have a laxative effect for some people. If you really want to try using sweeteners instead you could always buy some 100% cocoa chocolate and melt it then mix in your own sweeteners before setting it in moulds?
Refine your tastebuds matey and go to Aldi and invest in their Moser Roth high cocoa content choc. Don't go too berserk and buy 90% instantly - try lower %ages until you get used to it!
Way, way back in the day I once bought some from Boots and the outcome wasn't good, you want wind, you got wind. It didn't taste all that good either. As above, refine your taste buds and take care with how much you eat.
I'll give the Aldi chocolate a try. I'm not one for cooking and baking.