Why Mike Bloomberg?s 'Soda Ban' Could Actually Work

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Anti-soda taxes have failed time and again. Now New York?s mayor has pushed through a winning strategy-for fighting the sugar industry and obesity in America.

Twenty-four states, five cities, and the U.S. Congress have all floated initiatives in the last three years to tax sugary beverages. All have been motivated by the twin goals of raising revenues and fighting obesity. And all have been soundly trounced.

But the reversal of fortune in the Soda Wars seem to have come yesterday , when the New York City Board of Health voted into law Mayor Michael Bloomberg?s latest anti-sugar, anti-obesity initiative:, restricting the sale of sugary beverages in portions larger than 16 ounces in any of the 24,000 restaurants, movie theater snack bars, fast food joints and other food service establishments that the city already regulates.

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