Why is it never enough?

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Firstly sorry I'm more of a lurker than a poster - I never feel I have anything to add, but that's probably because I've been struggling 'headwise' for the last year, secondly warning - I'm about to wallow.

I went for an appointment at the hospital on Friday - I got my HBA1c, 6.3, I was a bit disappointed as the last 2 have been 6.2 & 6.1 so I thought 'Ok, could do better but ok'. The Dr then told me that he was very pleased with my results & would have been worried if they were any lower. In the last month I've had one result of 3.9, 3 that have been over 8 (all either because I was feeling rotten or tested too soon after eating) and the rest have all been good. Again he was very pleased but didn't want me to aim for a lower HBA1c in case I started hypoing everywhere!! (I'm type 2 on metformin & 40units of insulatard at night.) Then having told me I was doing well started talking about seeing a bariatric surgeon about weight loss surgery - I know I'm overweight but I didn't think I was that far gone!! And he wants to change my medication to Victoza but apparently there are 'funding implications' - which seems to mean that I have to run from pillar to post begging people to allow me to have it.

I'm pleased that the guy was more proactive than my last 2 hospital appointments (to be honest if they had rung me and left my HBA1c on my answer phone they would have been just as much use) but I'm left feeling that it doesn't matter what I do it will never be enough & I have just wanted to cry all weekend. (Which really wasn't helped by someone asking how I was, not letting me answer but answering their own question with 'Oh you're fine, you're always fine, you can cope with anything' & then commenting on a negative comment someone else had made by saying 'Fancy saying that ... if they had said that to someone else who wasn't coping or who was feeling depressed that would be really hard to take'.)

Sorry I'm waffling.
Those HbA1c are good, normal in fact...............going up a decimal here and there is normal too................be proud, very proud.......

I think that healthcare professionals should say you have done well as encouragent, even if the results are always good..........

The good thing is your diabetes is under control, so now you can tackle any wieght issues at your own pace without the added pressure of getting sugars down........

Hope to see you around more and keep up the good work....
Hi Kaff lovley to see you post hun, and firstly well done on your hbA that is great hun..

Just a note on the victoza it was mentioned to me also but they put me on byetta instead,its always easy to use the old funding excuse but if this was to work for you then great it would make you feel so much better.Sorry you feel the way you do hun just keep strong and post in here more often, even if you dont have much to say come in and say hi and if you need any support we can give it to you xxx
Those HbA1c are good, normal in fact...............going up a decimal here and there is normal too................be proud, very proud.......

I think that healthcare professionals should say you have done well as encouragent, even if the results are always good..........

The good thing is your diabetes is under control, so now you can tackle any wieght issues at your own pace without the added pressure of getting sugars down........

Hope to see you around more and keep up the good work....

I agree with that. It was spot on!

Your HbA1c results are very good. If you can start losing some weight then it can only improve you situation further. For me, a slow 0.9lb a week loss has really helped me over this last year. If I'd set myself a greater weekly target, I simply would have failed.

Andy 🙂
Sorry to hear you're feeling a bit disheartened.

Personally, I always come away from clinic visits feeling that nothing is ever enough. I don't think the docs are realistic about what daily life is like with diabetes.

Only thing I'd like to say to you is that your A1c has barely gone up at all, and is a very good number, so you should be incredibly proud of yourself! 6.3% is not easy to achieve. Also, A1c measurements are a bit like blood glucose measurements in that they're not exact. Last time my A1c was 7.4% having previously been 7.1%. My DSN told me that this essentially meant it was the same, as I could have had it checked an hour later and got 7.1%. Hope this makes sense?

Any weight loss surgery should only come after lots of discussion with you. Don't let them rush you into anything if you don't feel comfortable.

And with regards to the insensitive comment: I've found recently that telling people that actually, no, diabetes is not that easy and I don't just float along quite happily, helps me feel better and makes clear to the person that I don't appreciate flippant remarks! (Said very pleasantly & politely, of course!)

Hope you feel better soon. Treat yourself to watching your favourite movie to pick you up 🙂
I think you are doing brilliantly well. Sometimes professionals forget they are dealing with real people.

It is difficult sometimes and we all have off days, it is OK to tell people you are feeling down. they will either support you or go ff some place else.

If you want to wallow in self pity, let off steam, have a rant or just share how you are feeling, come here. There is always someone around who will know how you feel and offer support and sympathy.
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