Why does Nature get things so wrong at times

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Im just thinking about diabetes and all the health implications, I know a lot of the way our bodies respond is to do with survival but what I dont understand is why when your body is having issues it does the following (well to me anyway)

  1. Lose weight from thin areas first, My arms and legs were already stick thin, so why does my dieting and exercise always take fat from there first when I have a belly that looks 12 months pregnant!
  2. Not allow me to sleep when it would be so beneficial for me to have 8 hours, but nope I shut my eyes and all manner of things go round and round in my head keeping me awake, why cant it do that thing it does to babies on car journeys and in the pram and signal me to sleep and block out the world
  3. Why does exercising hurt (well in the beginning, the no pain no gain thing) if its so good for us why does it hurt and ache the following day
  4. Why does eating chocolate and drinking alcohol feel so good, same could be said of other things like smoking and illegal drugs (not done any myself but it is weird the body doesn't make things bad for us taste vile or make us sick in the same way if we ate rat poison we would think Yuk and spit it out.
  5. Why does lazing around feel so good when its obviously not doing us any good to sit or lay and watch tv for hours.

I suppose I am just wondering why nature doesn't give us the signals to warn us of these things so we learn from experience.

This is my Sunday deep in thought thread 🙂 Join in with your own ones if you have some that dont make sense
Also, another thing that has just happened. Why do relevant things suddenly appear in your life at the same time as you are going through something similar? I mean when I had pre eclampsia years ago I kept seeing things related to it.

Now I have just had a film recommended to me about a girl marrying a marine because her insurance didnt pay for her diabetes medicine in america (no clue in the name of the film - good film by the way)

I watched St Trininans with my daughter last week and was intrigued by the actress Gemma Atherton as thought she looked familiar and realised she is in the drama rogue agent, intrigued I searched for her best film on Wikipedia and Hansel and Gretal came up, just read the description and it said
"The fact that Hansel was diabetic thanks to what the witch did to him was kind of interesting, and the idea that he and his sister had decided to go after witches as a profession was even more so. Bringing in a good witch and trying to introduce the dichotomy of witchcraft though was something that might have detracted a bit from the movie since a lot of people just wanted to see two witch hunters going after the worst of the bunch."

So what I am wondering here is, perhaps the law of attraction is real?

1) When I lost weight it went on my belly first and I've ended up with massive indentations on my sides and stretch marks!
2) Yes! Same happens to me. I'm usually thinking about a work problem (Software development, and currently in a very, very risky project.) or a story I'm writing.
3) I believe it's because the muscles get 'torn' and your body, during the night, repairs use them proteins. (This might be utter rubbish!)
4) Something to do with stimulating a reward centre or something like that...?
5) I don't get this. If I'm lazing around I get annoyed I'm not doing something constructive so usually do something, whether it's just watch a film, read a book or write a short story.
I wonder why Nature would be so daft as to allow our immune systems to attack and kill our insulin-producing cells! It’s the first thing I said to my consultant when she explained Type 1 was an auto-immune condition.
I can't remember who it was that pointed out: if pain is Nature's way of telling is something is wrong, a red flashing light warning organ, perhpas on to of the head, would have been a more user-friendly solution.
I think a lot of this is about the way the brain works, rather than how nature works.

Sometimes our brains seem absolutely out to mess everything up!
'Nature' is just a random series of mutations, hence why stuff doesn't quite work perfectly and some things haven't evolved to cope with our own interference (Like eating a lot of sugar and causing tooth decay.)
'Nature' is just a random series of mutations, hence why stuff doesn't quite work perfectly and some things haven't evolved to cope with our own interference (Like eating a lot of sugar and causing tooth decay.)
In the future, the memory of being subject to such a shoddy random deign process will send a shudder through our sleek nano-fibre mobility-skeletons.
Im just thinking about diabetes and all the health implications, I know a lot of the way our bodies respond is to do with survival but what I dont understand is why when your body is having issues it does the following (well to me anyway)

  1. Lose weight from thin areas first, My arms and legs were already stick thin, so why does my dieting and exercise always take fat from there first when I have a belly that looks 12 months pregnant!
  2. Not allow me to sleep when it would be so beneficial for me to have 8 hours, but nope I shut my eyes and all manner of things go round and round in my head keeping me awake, why cant it do that thing it does to babies on car journeys and in the pram and signal me to sleep and block out the world
  3. Why does exercising hurt (well in the beginning, the no pain no gain thing) if its so good for us why does it hurt and ache the following day
  4. Why does eating chocolate and drinking alcohol feel so good, same could be said of other things like smoking and illegal drugs (not done any myself but it is weird the body doesn't make things bad for us taste vile or make us sick in the same way if we ate rat poison we would think Yuk and spit it out.
  5. Why does lazing around feel so good when its obviously not doing us any good to sit or lay and watch tv for hours.

I suppose I am just wondering why nature doesn't give us the signals to warn us of these things so we learn from experience.

This is my Sunday deep in thought thread 🙂 Join in with your own ones if you have some that dont make sense
I have pondered these things too. Why are things that taste or feel good bad for us?
In the future, the memory of being subject to such a shoddy random deign process will send a shudder through our sleek nano-fibre mobility-skeletons.

I look forward to being a BORG (Or Cyberman!)
I look forward to being a BORG (Or Cyberman!)
The downside is we'll all be whining about having to pay annual licensing subscriptions to Elon Musk. Plus the voice units will make everybody speak with a hint of his accent, which will take a lot of getting used to.

I have pondered these things too. Why are things that taste or feel good bad for us?

I think it’s because food/calories used to be scarce so if you found some fat or sugar you ate it because you were frequently walking a tightrope between Just Enough and Starvation. Also, we had to lay down fat stores for Winter (to see us through and to keep us warm).

Now we have ample food in this country and can pop to the shops for whatever we want. We no longer need to stock up on fat and sugary calories, but our primitive bodies still run on our prehistoric instincts. Which, of course, is why all our ‘treats’ are full of sugar and fat. The companies know what sells.
I have had a panic attacks over past 4 weeks due to kitty (who is OK by the way), me being overprotective kitty mama. Thing is I go out with a piece of paper telling where I am going and what for, I had appointment with practice nurse and was holding said piece of paper and she asked why the notes? I said its the cats fault, I got weird look, had to explain I am kitty mum and worry too much (vet said "Kitto is fine, he is picking up on my panic". Yes that makes sense for sure. Vet is a lovely Australian lass, she asked "are you diabetic?", I said "Wow knew vets were smart, how in the blue do das did u figure that out?"

Jelly babies you no clue you were shovelling, lifted her sleeve to show a thingy on her arm
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