why does Alex cry

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,

Just now Alex was having a bath and shouted down the he was low. So i tested him and he was 2.3. Gave him treatment and tried to spare his blushes etc..But as i walked out of the bathroom - he started crying and begged me to sit with him saying he didnt feel very well. I sat and re-tested and he asked me 'is it normal to feel like this when hypo'?And if so, why - what makes me cry?'.

I cant really answer him - so thought i would ask you all.

He hasnt been under about 3.2 since pumping - so i suspect it was the shock of a low perhaps?Thanks.🙂Bev
Hi Bev. Quite often when I'm low I get very teary too. I don't know what does it, it just seems to turn the emotions onto overdrive.

Hope Alex is feeling better now!
oh yep, i cry when i'm low. for me, it's that utter state of confusion; feeling like "what is going on? why do i feel so horrible? why can't i just feel normal now?"

i think sam's right - emotions just go way into overdrive.
I think it's quite common to feel emotional when hypo. For it I think it's probably partly being a little scared and also it's the time when it all comes home, most of the time diabetes can just be somewhere in the background, even when high you can relatively get on with things, but when you're low you have no option but to take notice of it.

Hope Alex is feeling better now.
I get upset when im hypo sometimes because it annoys me. I feel frustrated because i feel helpless and annoyed that my body seems to conspire against me.

I think sometimes if you have a fast drop, not necessarily a low numer, it can really leave you feeling a bit shaken and really yuck which makes me a bit teary.

Obv everyones different but how hes feeling is totally understandable and its not fair.

Hope hes feeling better, he deals with it all so well.

hi bev speaking as a type 2 here who dnt hypo i can only say that when i hyper panic sets in and i just srart crying then i know im to tesp asap, its the bodies way of saying you need to test i guess , the emotions just go all over the place , hope A feels better soon hun give him a big hug from us all (((hugs)))
I hadn't really noticed I get emotional when hypo, but am quite emotional so it is possible! I would definitely guess it is because it brings everything home, as Aymes says, because you don't think about Diabetes all the time, but hypos remind you of the bad side of things. They can be VERY frustrating. Hope Alex feels better xx
Hiya Bev

Don't worry. This is the hypo speaking not Alex getting upset. As the others say this can be usual. Jessica can be crying if low, or talking rubbish or slurring but she has to be in the 1's or low 2's like Alex was before this happens. In the high 2's or 3's she acts fine !
hey, i usually cry when low not for any reason but I've been told that it is to do with the effect of the hypo on your brain, because when it has no sugar to run off parts of it are starting to shut down. x
tell alex that he cries cos hes only human xxxx
Hi bev, hypos, especially very low ones are very distressing to the brain - it thinks it's being starved of fuel. I think that is the main reason that you're going to feel weepy, because all sorts of chemical messages are shooting around. We then rationalise this in our thoughts to being distressed about the cause - diabetes! That's the way I think about it, anyway. I suspect that, the younger you are, the more distressing it can be. Alex should know that it's not something he can help, it's just something that happens.

Hope it's a long time before he feels that way again🙂
I think there is an inbuilt fear that when we have a hypo we are so far on the way to loosing control and respond accordingly. As we get older we have control on more and more of our lives. Until our children deem we're not capable of taking care of our own affairs... then they treat us like children 🙄

But the panic that is inset amidst the bodies cries for help unsettles even the hardest of us (me, I'm a big softy 😉 )

As such it's natural to get lost and upset, and let's not consider there is a school of thought amongst professionals that thinks diabetics will during their lives need counselling for their diabetes and the ever changing impact on a diabetics life.

When we get to a point where our control is good, we hypo less, (I haven't followed the forum for a while, but hope Alex is now getting along well with his pump and his hypos are becoming less frequent) the ones we then experience have more impact than if they are more frequent. Familiarity, or lack of, I guess?

On another note, a few flannels around the bath are always handy, make 'em smaller than larger, make a man feel better if there is an intrusion 😉
I'm type 2 and get tearfull from time to time. I get a sever case of the why me's and the nobody cares how I feel.

Please reassure Alex it is OK to cry and that he will feel better for it. Can't add to the advice of others excpet to say real boys do cry!
Hi Bev/Alex

Taken a while to respond to this as I had to think myself, I don't necessarily get teary during a hypo, but more likely to perhaps have wet eyes when I catch myself out and think too much about what could be!:( Hope Alex is better now anyway.


Hi Bev,
I have burst into tears on many occasion when having a hypo, for no reason at all. I am always so embarrassed afterwards!! Where as when I am feeling ok I am not a teary person at all its weird...I think when it sneaks up on you sometimes it does throw your brain into confusion, and you just cant always think straight while its happening.

Bless him - hope he is feeling ok with it all now x
I think you have our answer Bev - but will add my two penneth! I have cried when low - sometimes I have just cried and other times you get a 'desperate' feeing. I think it is a chemical reaction (like Hev I am not the teary sort - until I have a baby and then I have never known hormones like it! But that's another story!! LOL!) Anyway - you get low, feel tearuy and just want to be looked after.
Hi Bev,

You can tell Alex that I'm a 31 year old bloke and I'm not ashamed to admit I need a big cuddle from my wife when I go hypo (especially through the night).

I think it's just a reassurance thing that someone is looking after you as hypo's often leave you feeling very confused and vulnerable.

I sometimes start cryin if i have a hypo (usually when its a really low reading)

i cant control it, im glad im not the only one lol
Hya Bev

Just wanted to say that I hope A is ok now, it must be really scary when b/s are low. We are just their mum's and don't know what it feels like. Kids are so brave though aren't they with what they have to do from each day to the next.

Gem xx
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