Why do my cannulas keep failing??

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Thought it was a bit strange when BG went up to 8 and then 12 by midday when everything had been going so well. Had lunch with correction bolus - checked it two hours later expecting a very good result - 22 plus high ketones. I can only assume a cannula failure - but why would it fail when I only put it in yesterday morning and it had been doing great until this morning. I've pulled the cannula out but it isn't bent - could this be a problem with my tummy having had so many injections over the years? I can't use my legs because they are much too lumpy and I can't reach my bottom because of shoulder problems 😱 I've changed the cannula and done a large bolus - am I correct in thinking that I check again in an hour and if BG hasn't started to go down to correct by pen? When the pump works it's fantastic but I seem to have so many cannula fails....I thought that I had solved this by changing every other day but obviously not
I had a good few cannula fails in the first 9 months. At one stage almost fortnightly - as you say sometimes ones that have been working fine all of a sudden just 'went off' for no apparent reason, but corrections through that set didn't work, and the highs only resolved after a set change.

The first thing I wonder (because it was mentioned to me as a reason for not staying on Humalog) is whether you are getting any crystallisation in the tubing. Some people seem to pump Humalog fine, but it does seem to have a reputation for forming crystals. I'm not sure in that case whether you would expect to have a 'no delivery' alarm.

The next avenue to explore is the cannulas you are using. I started on 6mm Quicksets, which were generally OK, but I have not had *one* cannula fail in 3 months on Silhouettes and would have almost expected to if still using Quicksets full time.

Ask your DSN for some alternatives to try - steel/angled/different lengths etc. And see whether you can have 4 or 5 samples of each to give them a good run through, then try a box of the style you get on with best and see whether your 'failure rate' improves.

For me losing those cannula-related 20s every few weeks has made a MASSIVE difference to how I feel about the pump.

If you are getting more than one failure in a blue moon, you need to look into alternatives as it will be undoing all your hard work on the pump!
Hi Mike

Thanks very much for the suggestions. I will ask my pump nurse when I see her on February 7th although I know she has a strong dislike of the steel cannuals - she tried one on herself and didn't like how it felt. I can understand what you mean about the humalog but, apart from when I have the cannula fails it has worked for me really, really well so I hipe that I don't have to change insulin. It's so frustrating.
Thanks Mike I'm on the AccuChek combo. I've just spoken to their technical support and they've said it sounds like a site issues - so I'm wondering if it is my stomach that is a problem because of all the years of injections but as I said above my legs are very lump - the joys of nearly 42 years of injections. I will speak to the nurse on February 7th to see if I can try a different cannula size - maybe the 10mm might work because I am quite plump. It is so frustrating because apart from this I love my pump.
Hi Amanda, ask for a selection of cannulas to try. It sounds to me as if you have the wrong cannula for you. Of and sod what your dsn say's about steel cannulas. It's not her with the diabetes or the control issues
Thanks Sue - I just tried phoning her but the department isn't open on Fridays :(
Can't you call Roche direct and ask them to send out some samples rather than faffing around waiting for your DSN? That's what I've done with Medtronic in the past when I've wanted to try a different type of set.
Thanks Alison. That would seem to be logical but I've just spoken to Roche's technical support and they've said that because it's not a problem with the pump I've got to speak to my nurse about changing the size of the cannula/possible site issues. It is so frustrating - and my guess is that the nurse won't have different sizes of cannulas/steel cannuals to give me - or maybe I'm just being pessimistic. I guess I will find out more when I call her back on Monday.
Thanks Alison. That would seem to be logical but I've just spoken to Roche's technical support and they've said that because it's not a problem with the pump I've got to speak to my nurse about changing the size of the cannula/possible site issues. It is so frustrating - and my guess is that the nurse won't have different sizes of cannulas/steel cannuals to give me - or maybe I'm just being pessimistic. I guess I will find out more when I call her back on Monday.

just ring the order line and ask for samples to try. Forget techi support. 🙂
Thanks Sue - I just went back to Roche and tried the order line - they've said that I need to speak to the rep - which is good I've now got someone to ask. I've left a message on her voice mail explaining that I would like some samples and asking her to phone me back. All of you are so wonderful at helping me to sort this out because I was getting very upset and discouraged after my third cannula problem this month.
Thanks Sue - I just went back to Roche and tried the order line - they've said that I need to speak to the rep - which is good I've now got someone to ask. I've left a message on her voice mail explaining that I would like some samples and asking her to phone me back. All of you are so wonderful at helping me to sort this out because I was getting very upset and discouraged after my third cannula problem this month.

I'm shocked at their attitude.

I just ring animas and ask to try some different cannulas due to problems with the ones I am using and samples are sent. No problem at all.
Hi Amanda

I have a few Roche cannulas I can send you if you want - I used to use the steel cannulas but I had the problems you are having with those, and found that the flexlinks worked better for me. I've got lots of the steel ones lying around here doing nothing and you're welcome to a box or two if you like.
Hi Mary
That's lovely of you. Thank you very,very much.

I've PM'd my details to you

Warmest wishes

Hi Mary
That's lovely of you. Thank you very,very much.

I've PM'd my details to you

Warmest wishes


No problem. By the way, are you using the introducer to position your cannula? I have always used it and I don't seem to get any problems with the flexlink?
I'm shocked at their attitude.

I just ring animas and ask to try some different cannulas due to problems with the ones I am using and samples are sent. No problem at all.

Me too with Medtronic
No problem. By the way, are you using the introducer to position your cannula? I have always used it and I don't seem to get any problems with the flexlink?

Hi Mary yes I do use the introducer and I love using that. I'm looking forward to trying the metal ones but I'm also wondering if the 10mm Flexlink might work - I'm currently using the 8mm ones but I have a very rounded tummy. I just want to find a cannula that works to stop these ad hoc high BGs? Thanks very much for all of your help
Thanks Sue - I just went back to Roche and tried the order line - they've said that I need to speak to the rep - which is good I've now got someone to ask. I've left a message on her voice mail explaining that I would like some samples and asking her to phone me back. All of you are so wonderful at helping me to sort this out because I was getting very upset and discouraged after my third cannula problem this month.

I'm really surprised that they won't satisfy your order, I have the same pump as you and I seem to be able to order whatever I like from Roche, I've never been told that I have to speak to a rep or anybody else for that matter. Like you I have issues with cannulas, it is the single most frustrating pumping thing for me. I finally came to the conclusion that 10mm steel cannulas are the best for me, although I do still get failures, but less. Don't let your DSN influence you too much with your cannulas, you will discover which are the best for you in time. Maybe try a few different samples if your DSN has them?
Hi Phil

They were happy to provide me with a box for each cannula size that I wanted to try but I didn't think that it was fair for the PCT to pay for complete boxes if I don't know which will work. My nurse has even emphasised that when we order we should place 3 months at a time so that they don't have to pay for the postage charges that would be incurred with more frequent orders. That's why I hoped that they would provide me with just a few of each of to try. However I haven't heard from the rep yet.
Hi Phil

They were happy to provide me with a box for each cannula size that I wanted to try but I didn't think that it was fair for the PCT to pay for complete boxes if I don't know which will work. My nurse has even emphasised that when we order we should place 3 months at a time so that they don't have to pay for the postage charges that would be incurred with more frequent orders. That's why I hoped that they would provide me with just a few of each of to try. However I haven't heard from the rep yet.

.....Stop Amanda!!!!! This is your health you are talking about! Forget the cost to your PCT, you need to get the right cannula for you, not just putting up with it. As a heavy insulin user I use a new cannula every 2 days, sometimes daily and a cartridge of insulin will last me only 3 days, I don't feel guilty as it is what I need. Fair enough about ordering 3 months of spares to save postage......BUT only IF you know what you need! I hope you sort your cannula problems soon....I've had a bumpy ride with them and am still not entirely happy with mine
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