Why Cadbury's chocolate 'for women' leaves a nasty taste

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Remember the nineties when a woman eating a Cadbury flake bar was the epitome of sexiness and weirdly the norm for chocolate adverts?
Well guess what, Kraft, the owner of the chocolate giant, has decided to revive the gender-focused formula and launch Crispello, a new chocolate bar aimed expressly at women.
However, the jury is still out as to whether the ?7m advertising campaign planned for Cadbury?s first new chocolate bar since the nineties, will invest in overflowing roll-top baths occupied by scantily clad women nibbling away at a sweet bar, to make the revival complete.

sums up the advertising blurb
Good grief. I can't see myself ever buying one of those really.

I'm in the mood for a Yorkie bar now... :D
I would rather have my however many calories as a nice big glass of red wine
And personally I think a nice dark chocolate knocks socks of the milky stuff- whether it's Bourneville or an 85% coco bar
I don't eat Cadbury's full stop. I don't like the taste 😛
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