Why are we so unhealthy?

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
There are many ways to measure the health of the nation.

The publication of the government's consultation on a minimum price for alcohol puts the focus on harmful drinking habits.

Physical activity is also in the spotlight because of the call by health experts for people to cycle and walk more.

But to get the most comprehensive picture it is perhaps best to look at all the lifestyle factors together.

There are seven established factors that raise the risk of ill-health and these are all measured by the Health Survey for England.

They are: smoking, binge drinking, low fruit and vegetable consumption, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and raised cholesterol (a lack of physical activity is a factor in the last three).

In England, an incredible 93% have at least one risk factor. Over a third have three or more.

Funny that stress doesn't appear on that shopping list innit?
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