Why are places like Bradford, Barnsley, Calderdale & Rotherham so bad?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
There was an interesting article in the Yorkshire Post this week relating to the performance of various PCTs in offering screening for diabetic retinopathy.

The article states that "nearly two-thirds of PCTs in England say that they offer screening for diabetic retinopathy to all those diagnosed with the condition in line with a target which should have been achieved by December 2007".

However, the article goes on to say that in Yorkshire where I happen to live, "nine out of fourteen PCTs are failing to offer the tests to all their patients. Seven are among the 20 worst PCTs for screening out of 150 across England."

Apparently, the latest figures covering 2009-10 show only 55% of 24,000 patients were invited for screening in Bradford - and similarly in Rotherham 68% of 11,000 patients, in Calderdale 74% of 9,000 patients and 75% of 11,000 patients in Barnsley. Overall 90.2% of diabetics in Yorkshire were offered screening compared with 96.1% nationwide.

The full article can be read online via the following link:


This abysmal performance causes me a great deal of concern since I happen to live in the Rotherham area and my GP's surgery is covered by the Barnsley PCT.

I can't help wondering whether the powers that be ought to be taking action to take over the role of failing PCTs such as those identified in the above article.

What do others think?
Hi John, we've heard in the past from members in the area about very poor service - it always causes me to prick up my ears since I am from Calderdale originally. You'd think there was some sort of exchange of methods between PCTs where things work well and those who don't.
Hi Northerner,

Yes but my point is why if these PCT areas keep failing the people who live in them why don't the powers that be send in special teams to sort things out similar to what happens with failing schools?

Doncaster is a neighbouring area to both Barnsley and Rotherham and that place has been acknowledged as having the worst town council in England. Because of that the Government has announced that it is taking over control for a period of time to get things sorted out. Didn't the same ought to happen in the case of failing PCTs such as Bradford, Barnsley, Calderdale and Rotherham?

Hi and thanks for posting this. This is very worrying for me as Louis was screened in September 2009 and the article says there were problems with diagnosing and analysing the images!! (we are in Rotherham). Luckily we have subsequently visited Sheffield Children's Hospital and seen the consultant Opthalmologist who was happy with Louis' eyes. He has now been discharged but this makes me feel we should contact Mr Chan and remain under his care.

We have not been contacted or offered re-screening..I shall phone the DSn tomorrow.

I am in complete agreement with you; it is an unacceptable health inequality and should not be allowed to continue.


Hi Julie,

Yes - I realise that the article states that most of the problems with the Barnsley, Rotherham and Bradford PCTs seem to relate to them failing external reviews last year relating to issues with the diagnosis of images.

I was tested myself last year by Barnsley PCT and I haven't been recalled either or, for that matter, had any notification that there might have been any issue with the test that was carried out. I'll be asking some questions about the whole thing and will keep you informed of anything that I find out regarding what is happening in this area.

What's more, at the time of writing I haven't been recalled for this year's test. I'll be asking about that too!

Best wishes - John
The treatment we get varies hugely. We live less than 5 miles from my parents who get fantastic tratment, yet the treatment I get leaves a lot to be desired, and we live in the same London borough!
I have telephoned the diabetes centre in Rotherham and been directed to the manager of the screening programm in Barnsley (they carry out the retinopathy screening for Roth). The manager has phoned me and this is basically what she said.

When the service was subject to external verification, independant screeners identified a pocket of people with certain grades of retinopathy where they were not happy with the interpretation of the photographs. These people were contacted and re -screened. Where they were happy with the results in the first instance, those people were not contacted (ie. Louis, John et al)

The manager informed all screeners, consultants etc but unfortunately did not let the reception staff know in Roth. My main concern at the moment is that we were not informed of any problems (not via DSN, consulatant anyone). We were left to find out via a newspaper article. I have pointed out that communication is instant now, we will find out and in my opinion a letter to all those screened explaining the situation would have been appropriate.

Thanks for highlighting this John, we have already had a scare with Louis' eyes in 2008 so it obiously really worries me given that he is only 15.


That was a very interesting read, having been diagnosed at the end of April this year, so admittedly not very long ago, and also in the Calderdale and Huddersfield Trust area, I have had excellent support from the DSN and my GP, and the dietician at the hospital with a referral that came through within days and a follow up referral already booked, but still nothing about retinal screening.

Perhaps I had better go back to the GP and see if I can find out what has happened to this referral.
Thanks for that Julie,

I can understand your concern about Louis' situation.

With the benefit of hindsight, I must say that I've heard various mumblings about problems in the diabetes meetings that I attend at Barnsley hospital. However, no real explanation of what the problems were and certainly nothing on the agenda.

I've emailed the Chairperson this morning asking that ithe subject be included on the agenda for the next meeting. Also, I've asked for a copy of the report from the external review. As usual, I expect to be fobbed off on the issue but if I am then I'll write asking for a copy under the Freedom of Information Act. I've never done that before - has anyone else ever used that method?

I had my screening appointment within a week of diagnosis, and I'm in Keighley, so it's not all bad.
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