Why are cgms/flash gms so expensive

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I know that companies have to make a profit however if the people who for whom the above are prevented from using the technology either because of their area ccg's qualification criteria for prescription (a lot of people who are eligible still can't get any cgm of fgm (flash glucose monitor) on prescription) or can't afford to self fund.

Surely if it was cheaper more people especially those self funding would buy them and they would get more profit.
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I think they have enough people buying them at their current price and within manufacturing capacity.
Selling more means making more which means having factories capable of the additional production.
Not working for any of those companies I don’t know how much profit they are making, don’t know how much the items cost to make or how much they could afford to reduce the price by and still have enough money left to pay for the raw materials and overheads to make more.

I do remember when Libre 1 came out though, there had never been anything like it before and it was a lot more affordable than any CGM, then it became a prescribable item too, and I think the company completely underestimated the demand and couldn’t make them fast enough. People were having to wait weeks and weeks for their orders to be supplied, then they only let you order two at a time (so you just order more often then, I don’t see how that helps!) and so on. I presume it’s better now!
Probably because these products go through years of development that costs millions - certainly the electronic products I work on run into huge costs before they even reach the market. That cost is recouped in the piece price. Then there's the costs of manufacturing, shipping, bill of materials, ongoing support, etc.
Probably because these products go through years of development that costs millions - certainly the electronic products I work on run into huge costs before they even reach the market. That cost is recouped in the piece price. Then there's the costs of manufacturing, shipping, bill of materials, ongoing support, etc.

And the continuous spend thereafter on the next generation, and the next product development.
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