Why active children are exercising their little grey cells

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
TELLING your children that 
they should get off the sofa or switch off the games console 
and instead go and play football 
or swim in so that they will still have their memory and other brain functions intact when they?re 80 isn?t going to go down well. Asking them to come and play outside with you because it?s fun is more likely to work. Children rarely think about the distant future.

But the fact is that the earlier you can start them on a lifelong habit of exercise, including some intense activity every week, the more likely they are to still have a decent level of brain function in later life, say scientists at King?s College, London.

Researchers found that regular intensive exercise throughout life, as a child and adult, improved brain function at the age of 50, and even exercise done less frequently could offer benefits to the brain.

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