Whooooooppppeeeeee ...... !

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just got back from the doctors - HbA1c now 5.3% (34.4 in new measures) despite the halving of the gliclazide 3 months ago. GP told me it was the best HbA1c she'd seen in many a year so gave myself a large pat on the back and went and treated myself to a new griddle pan as a reward

Also now trying glucophage sr 500mg twice daily rather than metformin 500mg three times a day so hoping the reduction and change will sort out the gastric problems.

Downside - more blood tests to check for anaemia, thyroid, liver and kidney function to see if any obvious cause for continuing tiredness
well done vanessa what a fantastic result congrats x hope you use that griddle pan tonight lol
p.s good luck with the tests
Great news Vannessa! Well done on your HbA1c reading of 5.3%!

You've obviously seen the light the same as me and you certainly must be doing the right things. I for one would be very interested to know how you have done it.

Best wishes - John

Brilliant news! Keep up the good work and have a little treat! Hope the tiredness problem gets sorted quickly and you feel full of energy again!🙂Bev
great news !!! you sould be very proud of yourself :D good luck with the rest of the tests!
That's fantastic Vanessa!!!! Brilliant!!! Well done on joining the 5% club!:D Especially good since you've also been able to reduce your medication!
Wow! Well done you :D xxx
Great news Vannessa! Well done on your HbA1c reading of 5.3%!

You've obviously seen the light the same as me and you certainly must be doing the right things. I for one would be very interested to know how you have done it.

Best wishes - John

Thank you John and all

John - done this in the same way many of us Type 2's have, that is patiently worked out what affects me with testing but also accepted that I couldn't go as low carb as some so still willing to take the gliclazide. What triggered me into action was continuing raised blood levels and macular changes despite exercise, losing weight, medication and following the standard advice.

I remember then reading an article in the Harrods in house magazine (whilst having a very expensive cup of black coffee there) in March this year about the Greek doctor on the Greek doctor's diet and then finding a copy of his book. The food sounded so yummy and so I really started reading more widely. Found Havard's School of Public Health Medicine and Harvard's Joslin Centre plus the "Glucose Revolution" the most useful for me

Now stick to between 130 and 150g carbs on most days and accept that I cannot do starchy carbs for breakfast (but really miss my porridge) and, as I still need to lose more weight (I'm 80% of the woman I was at diagnosis and a tadge over 10 stone so just in the "healthy" BMI range) have about 1250 cals per day. Exercise plays a part although that is the one part of my lifestyle where I could do much better or, at least, be more consistent

When the nibbles hit (and they do) then cheese and nuts are now my main temptation but will nick the odd bit of cake/pudding from my husband's serving - simply in the interest of saving him from the calories, you understand! 2 McVitie's fruit shortcake biscuits are a real treat

For now - it works. May need to review further in the future but will cross that bridge when I come to it. Reason that if I'm managing my food intake 80-90% of the time then the odd small indulgence is ok
Just got back from the doctors - HbA1c now 5.3%

Well done Vanessa. I'm jealous of your readings.

All that hard work has paid off dividends.

I too am trying to loose more weight and get off the tablets, in my case reducing the Metformin made me more tired so I will have to stay on them a bit longer,

Hopefully I will take up jogging or running in the next month or so.... Northerner gave me a good bit of advice - buy last year's model of trainers.

Keep those good numbers up for me!
Well done Vanessa, I'm v. impressed with your BG count!!

Good luck with the tests.

big well done vanessa ,like most my downfall is not taking enough exercise,my mother was diabetic all her life so i new from day one what i could and could`nt do ,remember the day i was told i was diabetic by my doc, he said your taking it very calmly ,so i told him not really was told years ago by my mum that i could be at risk ,in fact the day i found out my older sister was diagnosed as well ,
so good for you on getting to 5.3 mine has been 7.0 since day one ,i know im a bad boy lol
Great result Vanessa.

Thanks for sharing good news.
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