who has msn???

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
If anybody has msn please let me know by either sending me a personal message or by postin it in this thread as i would really like to get to know other diabetics (of any age)??🙂
If anybody has msn please let me know by either sending me a personal message or by postin it in this thread as i would really like to get to know other diabetics (of any age)??🙂


Can I ask that people don't post personal contact information in the threads, please do this by private message only, should you wish to do so. Thanks!🙂
Hi Smile

Yes i will send you a personal message with my msn address and if anybody else wants it just ask and i would be more than happy to give it to you.
Sorry to butt in here - but - and i speak as a mum - isnt it a bit dangerous to be giving out your msn details when you dont really know who your giving it to? I am not overly familiar with msn as my son is not allowed it yet at 11 - so forgive me if i am being overly cautious!🙂Bev
Sorry to butt in here - but - and i speak as a mum - isnt it a bit dangerous to be giving out your msn details when you dont really know who your giving it to? I am not overly familiar with msn as my son is not allowed it yet at 11 - so forgive me if i am being overly cautious!🙂Bev

Agreed 100%
Sorry to butt in here - but - and i speak as a mum - isnt it a bit dangerous to be giving out your msn details when you dont really know who your giving it to? I am not overly familiar with msn as my son is not allowed it yet at 11 - so forgive me if i am being overly cautious!🙂Bev

Dont worry Bev msn is really safe as if someone adds u then u can accept or decline and if you decline then they wont be able to talk to you at all. But if you do accept then you can always 'block' the person later by pressin on this thing on msn and that way they cant speak to u unless u unblock them urself. But thank u for ur concern Bev (much appreciated) x
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Hi Smile,
I do understand what your saying - but - what if someone is pretending to be someone they are not i.e. johnny axe murderer - and you get friendly with them and start giving them your private details? Next thing they ask to meet up with you and the rest doesnt bare thinking about! I know i am being a paranoid mum - but i really do think you should be very careful with your private details!:D bev x

p.s. how do you know that i am the mum of an 11 year old boy? I might be a man aged 60 who has a different agenda than you!😉
Hi Smile,
I do understand what your saying - but - what if someone is pretending to be someone they are not i.e. johnny axe murderer - and you get friendly with them and start giving them your private details? Next thing they ask to meet up with you and the rest doesnt bare thinking about! I know i am being a paranoid mum - but i really do think you should be very careful with your private details!:D bev x

p.s. how do you know that i am the mum of an 11 year old boy? I might be a man aged 60 who has a different agenda than you!😉

Are you Bev? Now that is frightening 😱 and why call yourself Bev!!!!!
i was 13 when i started using the internet at home and taught myself to make websites, i remember getting advice on this subject from 40+yr old men when i was about 14/15...

the thing is i would never give out personal details on msn, no matter how young i was, i was never that stupid! it is only dangerous if people arrange to meet up with these people, give out their address or phone number!
Yup, I'd agree with Katie too. I'm happy for people to know my MSN if I've given it to them. If I don't want to hear from them I simply block them and that's it. As far as giving things out I don't. Simple as. Only if it's a close friend that I'm chatting to.

Tom H
If no personal details etc are given out/made public then certainly I'd agree that there is little harm to be done, sadly not everyone is that careful. What does concerns me, and that I see far too frequently through working with young people is that there is often a false sense of security in meeting people online, certainly not saying that it applies to anyone here but it is something to be very aware of. It scares me the amount of times I've seen young people I'm working with who chat, in theory harmlessly, with people they don't know but giving them access to a public profile containing personal information, details of addresses, where they'll be for parties, photos etc
total agree aymes my sister lets her boy who is 12 chat online on bebo and i tell her it is wrong he is so vunrable at that age he could be gettin told anything by anyone and he is not savvy enough to know a genuine person or a fake , annoys me but he is not by child so i can only have my opinion looking in from the outside i suppose
My point entirely - how do you know who you are 'talking' to? Bev
yup you can say what you want to who you want and nobody ever actually knows, all thats seperating you from some raving looney is a pc
You are missing the point of this site...

Smile. You are rather defeating the whole point of this site - which is a place to meet and discuss diabetes with other people that have diabetes and anyone it affects.

The advantage of this board over msn is that the threads remain and anyone is free to read them and pick up advice. Messaging via msn does not allow this.

I understand peoples need for instant gratification and am currently deciding the pros and cons of adding chat on this site - which I know will be welcomed by some.

And of course there is personal messaging on this site which allows anyone to contact anyone else personally.


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