Whisky and Snickers

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I had been in a corner shop and seen a bottle of Famous Grouse and decided to treat myself to a Snickers bar over the Bank Holiday weekend.

I got home and watched the news. The thought of the next 6 weeks made me open the whisky and eat the Snickers bar.
I had been in a corner shop and seen a bottle of Famous Grouse and decided to treat myself to a Snickers bar over the Bank Holiday weekend.

I got home and watched the news. The thought of the next 6 weeks made me open the whisky and eat the Snickers bar.
I think I'll join you 🙂
My problem is that I couldn't stop at one Snicker (I am a recovering snickers and sugar addict) and once I fall off the wagon, I do it big style and it is really hard to get back on, so as much as possible, I prefer not to get too near the edge and risk a fall from grace. A snicker would derail me big style.
As for the alcohol, rum is/was my tipple but sadly had to give up on alcohol as well because it was making me ill, even in very small quantities and I mean scary ill, not just a bit of a hangover.
Haha! Not one of those saying that it’s only 6 weeks of continuous wall-to-wall coverage, and how will we be ready in time then?
Haha! Not one of those saying that it’s only 6 weeks of continuous wall-to-wall coverage, and how will we be ready in time then?
I am clearly on my own here. I love voting and General Elections. Bring it on
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