Which would you change?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hiya people

My readings (pre insulin) averaged 25(ish) - but since starting on insulin 10/12 weeks ago, I am REALLY pleased to say there are still coming down and are now around 4.9/5.1 before meals.

I think before I return to see the DSR (mid July) I will need to reduce my dosage. Would anyone out there know if I should reduce Lantus or Novorapid or both?

I am so excited that the levels are coming down and are staying level.

Hope you are all well

Hi Hazel,
There really good readings, I agree they a bit low.
How much Lantus at Night do you take? How much Nova Rapid? When are you getting the lowest readings.
They prob all could do with lowering.
I have a type 1 diabetic child, would lower Lantus first, if still low change his nova rapid.
Hiya people

My readings (pre insulin) averaged 25(ish) - but since starting on insulin 10/12 weeks ago, I am REALLY pleased to say there are still coming down and are now around 4.9/5.1 before meals.

I think before I return to see the DSR (mid July) I will need to reduce my dosage. Would anyone out there know if I should reduce Lantus or Novorapid or both?

I am so excited that the levels are coming down and are staying level.

Hope you are all well


Hi Hazel, those numbers are terrific! So pleased for you, and hoping you're feeling much better because of it - constant hypers of 25+ must really affect you.

Why do you think you might need to reduce - do you fear that the numbers are likely to fall below 4? Can you call your DSN and ask for advice? As we often say, everyone is different, so what works or one may not be the right way for another. It's most important, I feel, to make sure that the lantus is right. If your pre-meal numbers are 4.x-5.x then it's likely that this is fine, as your novorapid that you took with a previous meal should have normally dissipated by the next meal. If you start dropping below 4 pre-meal, then it gets a bit trickier, and you might have to start doing some basal testing to determine if the basal needs reducing - this involves skipping a meal so that you can be sure that the test is entirely on how your body is reacting to the lantus. E.g. skip lunch and then test pre-evening meal - if you are low then your basal is probably a bit too high - although this can be further complicated by activity levels etc.!
hi hazel they are really good numbers there i'm currently having hypers 15+ probs every 2 days they really do knacker me lol, but hopefully i can get something sorted when im at hosi this week
Fantastic numbers Hazel. No need to change anything now.
Well done you is all I can say.
But if you do start to go low all over the place then give your DSN a ring for advice.
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