Which blood sugar machine to buy

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi. I’m new to the forum & only diagnosed with type 2 a month ago so still getting my head around it. I don’t have to check blood sugars as yet but want to check after some foods as feel faint, dizzy sometimes and extreme fatigue other times - which is the best cheapish one to buy ? Thanks
Most look at the cost of the meter as well as test strips which you will need to keep buying.
spirit tee2 and gluco navii are the best overall for your money with buying the refills.
You only usually get 10 strips and lancettes with a new meter so might be worth buying more with your initial purchase (altho most tend not to change lancettes that frequently 😉 )
Hi. I’m new to the forum & only diagnosed with type 2 a month ago so still getting my head around it. I don’t have to check blood sugars as yet but want to check after some foods as feel faint, dizzy sometimes and extreme fatigue other times -
It is an excellent idea to get a monitor, most people find it is key to managing your blood glucose levels.
Once you get your monitor then establishing a good routine of testing meals will allow you to make better food choices.
Testing before you eat and after 2 hours aiming for no more than 2-3mmol/mol increase and no more than 8.5mmol/mol post meal otherwise your meal is too carb heavy.
It sounds as if your blood glucose levels are high as those are typical symptoms.
What is your HbA1C that has given you your diagnosis and have you been prescribed any medication.
Dietary changes are usually needed to bring you levels down, have you made any changes.
Most look at the cost of the meter as well as test strips which you will need to keep buying.
spirit tee2 and gluco navii are the best overall for your money with buying the refills.
You only usually get 10 strips and lancettes with a new meter so might be worth buying more with your initial purchase (altho most tend not to change lancettes that frequently 😉 )
Thank you so much as it’s a minefield. Was a bit low about it all but trying to take control!
It is an excellent idea to get a monitor, most people find it is key to managing your blood glucose levels.
Once you get your monitor then establishing a good routine of testing meals will allow you to make better food choices.
Testing before you eat and after 2 hours aiming for no more than 2-3mmol/mol increase and no more than 8.5mmol/mol post meal otherwise your meal is too carb heavy.
It sounds as if your blood glucose levels are high as those are typical symptoms.
What is your HbA1C that has given you your diagnosis and have you been prescribed any medication.
Dietary changes are usually needed to bring you levels down, have you made any changes.
Thank you also for such a helpful reply! I feel better already. My HbA1C was 54 (assuming that’s quite high?) as they gave me metformin straight away and after a month I’m just up to the x2 500mg in morning and x2 500 mg in evening, 3/4 days ago. I’ve also made the switch to no white carbs, hardly any brown carbs, loosely keto-ish approach most of the time, with some lentils, beans etc. I’ve had a few slip ups as was in the US over Xmas but not feeling great still. Does it take time in metformin to feel better if it’s going to work?
Thank you so much as it’s a minefield. Was a bit low about it all but trying to take control!
Sorry to hear that. It's a bit of a thing to work through in your head when you're diagnosed. Hope you're doing ok.
My HbA1C was 54 (assuming that’s quite high?
Mine was 80, and to get a diagnosis of diabetes, it has to be 48 or over, so yours isn't too far into diabetes. There's more about HbA1c here
Thank you also for such a helpful reply! I feel better already. My HbA1C was 54 (assuming that’s quite high?) as they gave me metformin straight away and after a month I’m just up to the x2 500mg in morning and x2 500 mg in evening, 3/4 days ago. I’ve also made the switch to no white carbs, hardly any brown carbs, loosely keto-ish approach most of the time, with some lentils, beans etc. I’ve had a few slip ups as was in the US over Xmas but not feeling great still. Does it take time in metformin to feel better if it’s going to work?
You've cut your carbs quite considerably, and quite quickly. Can I encourage you to cut them a bit slower, as you can cause problems if you go too quick. I wonder if you'll feel a bit better if you slow it down for a couple of weeks? I cut mine too quick and felt a bit faint and woozy some days, I think my body was struggling with the sudden change in blood sugar from my diet changing.
You're on twice the dose of metformin as me, but with significantly lower HbA1c. I've no idea what the doctors do to decide the dose.
Oh golly I’m so sorry yours was 80. It’s all bit scary but thank you so much for your reassurance. Have you got it under control now with diet and meds etc?
You've cut your carbs quite considerably, and quite quickly. Can I encourage you to cut them a bit slower, as you can cause problems if you go too quick. I wonder if you'll feel a bit better if you slow it down for a couple of weeks? I cut mine too quick and felt a bit faint and woozy some days, I think my body was struggling with the sudden change in blood sugar from my diet changing.
You're on twice the dose of metformin as me, but with significantly lower HbA1c. I've no idea what the doctors do to decide the dose.
I did wonder if I was being a bit full on as was hoping that if I’m v strict, when I go back in two months time it’ll all be fine but guess that’s me in a bit of denial! Inertial lose a lot of weight as have struggled for years with PCOS and under active thyroid and have several Meds for vestibular migraine that have caused me huge weight gain so all a bit of a mess!
Oh golly I’m so sorry yours was 80. It’s all bit scary but thank you so much for your reassurance. Have you got it under control now with diet and meds etc?
I've got a review next month, so don't know what it is now, but I suspect it'll be loads better as I've thoroughly overhauled my diet and lost weight, so hopefully so! I monitor my BG levels, and they're loads better, fingers crossed that's reflected at my diabetes review!
Thanks for asking 🙂
I feel a lot better than I did, less sluggish, and better for having lost a bit of weight.
An HbA1C of 54 is not all that high, the diagnostic level is 48mmo/mol so you are not far into the zone. Some Gp would suggest dietary changes for 3 months before metformin as metformin only helps the body use the insulin it produces more effectively but it has to go alongside dietary changes. You have been given qiute a high dose considering your HbA1C is not all that high.
Many people do find a low carb but not going as far as keto is a successful dietary regime so would have less than 130g carb per day though some people do go lower settling somewhere between 50 and 100g per day. They would determine what they can tolerate by good use of their blood glucose monitor.
It is ALL carbs which convert to glucose regardless of colour so reducing your intake of things like potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, cereals, pastry, starchy veg, tropical fruits as well as cutting out cakes, biscuits and sugary drinks. Basing meals on meat, fish, eggs, cheese, dairy, nuts, veg and salads, fruits like berries with small portions of the higher carb food swill still give you options for filling tasty meals.
As well as your monitor I recommend the book Carbs and Cals or similar apps which give you the TOTAL carb value of foods as well as the info on the back of packets or google searches.
I did wonder if I was being a bit full on as was hoping that if I’m v strict, when I go back in two months time it’ll all be fine but guess that’s me in a bit of denial! Inertial lose a lot of weight as have struggled for years with PCOS and under active thyroid and have several Meds for vestibular migraine that have caused me huge weight gain so all a bit of a mess!
Oh, you've got a fair bit on your plate with PCOS, underactive thyroid and migraines, and the medications that go along with them.
Take it a bit easier with your diet, like Leadinglights says. Low carb will help with your BG levels, and your HbA1c when you go back to the doctors, but if you're feeling "off", I used to make myself a cup of tea and have a palm sized portion of blueberries and I'd feel a bit better after.
Hope you're doing ok though.
Were you already taking metformin for your PCOS?
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