where does the primed insulin go?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey all, this might sound like a silly question but im gonna ask anyway lol

i done a set change not long ago and i primed the tubing or filled the tubing wotever it is lol and it took 8 units to do that then 5 mins later i noticed a big bubble in my tubing so i primed that and used 11 units to do that but im ust wondering where does the insulin go??? will any of it leak into my cannula ??

confused lol cause if i have alreadr put insulin in the tubing of 8 units then ive had to prime a bubble and ended up using 11 units, will all that insulin be sitting in thetubing??

ta lol
also wanted to say i obviously disconnect the tubing from my body when im priming lol incase u all think i dont. just wondered if cause ive put an extra 11 units through to get rid of a bubble, if that 11 units will be in the tubing??

its confusing me lol
hey all, this might sound like a silly question but im gonna ask anyway lol

i done a set change not long ago and i primed the tubing or filled the tubing wotever it is lol and it took 8 units to do that then 5 mins later i noticed a big bubble in my tubing so i primed that and used 11 units to do that but im ust wondering where does the insulin go??? will any of it leak into my cannula ??

confused lol cause if i have alreadr put insulin in the tubing of 8 units then ive had to prime a bubble and ended up using 11 units, will all that insulin be sitting in thetubing??

ta lol

As you surely disconnected the tubing from your cannula when you filled the tubing, how can it go into your cannula? 🙄 🙂
Now if you left your tubing connected to the cannula, I guess you will be eating for England fairly soon 😱
also wanted to say i obviously disconnect the tubing from my body when im priming lol incase u all think i dont. just wondered if cause ive put an extra 11 units through to get rid of a bubble, if that 11 units will be in the tubing??

its confusing me lol

Erm if the tubing takes 8 units to fill it then obviously if you have cleared the bubbles the rest comes out of the end of the tubing.
It's a tube, so it will travel down the tubing and out the other end. If nothing comes out the other end, it indicates the insulin has not fully filled the tubing (if it had fully filled it, the excess would be coming out!)
kk i think i get it now lol

im just being para i think lol

so there wont be any of that insulin in the tubing that can leak into my cannula now that im connected back up?
It just dribbles out the end of the tube, if you look closely you can see the very small droplet on the end, and it sorts of dribble down the side..

When you reconnect your tubing to the canular, if it's a new cannular as well you need to do a small bolus to prime the new cannular.. The amount you need to prime for the cannular will be in the booklet/instruction that came in the bo with the infusions sets...

Must say 8 units of insulin seems very little to prime tubing, what length are you using?
right ok i see what you mean, i think i was focusin too much on the bubble comin out the other end and not noticed insulin comin out the wee round bit lol

i was just askin cause i had already put 8 units in the tubing then ended up puttin an extra 11 units through it to remove the bubble but i think i get it now.

i use a 60cm one. 8 is fine each time i do it.
On my 60cm tubing my prine is set to 17 units, and depending on bubbles I can sometimes repeat the priming...

It should say in your pump manual to what prime to use with what length of tubing..

Saying that if you get all the bubbles through before the prime has finished then you just stop the priming..
Mine takes about 12u to prime, plus 0.6u for the cannula. I make sure I see the insulin dripping out the end, and check for bubbles before clicking it into place 🙂
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