Where does it go??

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am not a pumper, but I might be sometime - how do you wear it? Can it hide under dresses? Aren't the tubes attached to a meter?
Hi, welcome to the forum!

Pumps come with clips, so that you can clip it onto your clothing (ie waistband of trousers, bra - if you're female!). It also obviously goes into any pockets you have!

It depends what sort of dress - anything body-hugging and tight all over and you'll probably be able to see wherever it's clipped to, but anything else should have somewhere to hide it! You can buy belts that sit flat against your stomach to carry it in, there are also straps to go around your leg to hold it. Plenty of places!

Yes, the tubing is attached to the pump - that's how it delivers insulin to you. There is a new, tubeless pump that has only just reached the UK market - the OmniPod - but this means the pump itself is attached to your skin and a lot harder to hide.
I get a sort of soft pouch with a hook on it from Accu-check - I don't have one of their pumps but for me it's the best option. It' made of soft cotton, the hook is in the middle at the top, the bottom is open and shuts with two poppers. I just put my pump in upside down, and hang the hook over the middle front of my bra. I can't feel it and the tubing can go to wherever I need it.

I know some people just keep theirs inside their bra but compression of breast tissue can cause cancer so I don't agree with that option.

I HATe it on my waist because I can feel it there all the time and it gets in the way when you bend over. But sometimes I pop it in a pocket of my jeans.
There's lots of places for wearing a pump, some people use phone and camera cases, other saw baby socks inside clothing to make a pouch for the pump.. Then straps and belts etc you can get from the manufacturers..

I actually tend to have mine clipped to my waist band.. Either in the front, but when working at the kennels I shouve it inside round the back of my jeans, so that any jumping dogs don't knock it off..

Roche is also bringing out a new tubeless pump, should be available sometime this year I think called the solo!

But it doesn't take long to find the comfey place to wear your pump though
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