Where do I go.?

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Took hypo 20-3-10 .Para medic checked blood 3.2.Gave me coke and 5mins.later was up to 8.something.3hrs.in A&E. 23-3-10 went to Dr.said "he was sorry" but revoked my licence for 1 year.Needed more tests etc.Went privately to neurologist 8-4-10 who said there was no need to pursue it down a neurogical road.Wow.it worked out at ?7.50 per min.Would like me to see an endocrinologist.Going back to my doc.Monday morning.Last hypo I had was approx. 5 years ago ( 5 in total last 16 years).Bought myself a monitor.Reads 5.5 every morning before anything to eat .Had 3 occassions from 23-3-10 when felt quite woozy,readings of 3.3,3.5 and 3.6.Neurologist thought these figures were normal and said he would have to see readings of 1. something.My questions are ...How to get my doctor to investigate ..he seems reluctant ,and would rather let the consultants decide.Limited income so futher private investigations would have to be on the N.H.S. Whilst not being able to drive is putting unbearable strain on my life.Can't sleep or eat very well ,but even if I say to the doc. Monday morning he will poo,poo if off.Getting to the point where I feel like inducing a seizure at the Health Centre.Fasting and expending energy seem to lower it quite nicely.Sorry to go on ,but I really am at my wits end to know where to turn to for advice.....addboat
Hi addboat ..

Can I ask what tests the neurologist did??

As you may know I am epileptic ...

On the whole our family doctors wont challenge the specialists. Our family doctors are general practitioners, which is why we are often refered to specialists in whatever condition the GP/family doctor thinks needs checking.

Asking for a second opinion is sometimes helpful. I hope things get sorted out for you.
Hi.Sasha.Just a few physcial tests .Reflexes,vision tests,and balance etc.Mostly questions about history.He is one of the top neurologists in the Royal Belfast.Should I add an extremely nice man.Just had friends in and the man is type 1.he tested my blood on his meter and it was 4.1,I then checked it on mine and it was 4.4,but I was drinking sugary tea and the two tests were about 5mins.apart.It seems that I have no problems unless it falls below 4.0,and I would begin to feel slightly light headed.Under 3.5 and I would have most of the symptons of a hypo.I don't know at what level I would pass out.My doc. is a pain .I have been with him for over 40 yrs. and I had to fight with him for three years before he would believe that I was getting depressed and then drinking.Kept saying that the drink was making me depressed.Eventually had to complie lots of data ,he never even read it but said " Oh.I was reading an article in a medical journal last night .Described you exactly." Result he gave me anti-depressants and I was able to start cutting back on my drink intake.
Caroline .Thankyou ,I really don't want to throw a pebble in the pond until I have the licence thing sorted out,as I feel ( maybe mistakingly ) that he will be the only one to let me drive.THEN !!!...Again thankyou to all.....addboat
hi there

i was diagnoised type 2 diabetic in october09 and epileptic jan 10 my nerologist told me that even though my bs went down occasionally, that my seizures were nothing to do with my diabetes. she sent me for a EEG and an MRI

if you are epileptic there will possible be someting on either of these tests, if you are having regular seizures my consultant told me that even 2 seizures close together is classed as epilepsy.

my advice would be to ask for if you can have either of these tests, after all it is your right and they should do them even if nothing is found.

My MRI was clear but i am still waiting the results of my EEG but my consultant has still put me on drugs for my epilepsy.

keep at it don't let them fob you off stay strong.

Hi Adrian, I am a bit confused as to why you have had your license taken away because you showed a lovel of 3.2. Did they diagnose you as diabetic and are you on any medication? All the numbers you have cited are perfectly normal for a non-diabetic, who can be between 3.5 - 8 mmol/l. Even the 3.2 may be OK, as meters have variation of 10% (possibly 20%) accuracy, so the 3.2 could actially have been 3.5. I would therefore agree with the neurologist that your readings are normal, although it's perfectly normal for you to feel a little light-headed if you are at the lower end of the range. I don't really agree that you'd need to be 1 to qualify as 'hypo', but he may have meant that it is only when it gets so low that seizures become likely.

I would press your medical team for further tests to determine the possible cause of your hospitalisation, as that blood sugar level of 3.2 alone would not incapacitate the majority of people. Good luck!
Hi All

Epilepsy can sometimes be very difficult to diagnose ... as there are various types of epilepsy .. from Grand Mal Seizures to Mild absences ... and not always can these be detected by MRI or EEG ... Certain situations can also trigger seizures .. stress, tiredness, and even foods and drinks ..

First port of call with trying to diagnose Epilepsy .. should be MRI .. to check for lesions to any lobes in the brain .. mine for example are frontal lobe epilespy .. EEG .. can diagnose whether you are light sensitive .. ie Laser strobing .. flickering or camera flashes... all of which can trigger epileptic seizures.

You should also keep a diary of the seizures you have .. did you get any warning signs before hand .. aura's or metal taste in mouth .. had you been under stress etc ..

Thankyou recyclequeen.The consultant said he was not pursuing it down a neurological path as he felt it didn't warrant it.5 eposides in 16 years and the last about 5 years ago.This seems to come every so often ,maybe about a year apart and will last approx a month.Normally I feel dizzy ,disorientated and shakey.couple of chocy biccies and within a few mins. back to normal.During the time I feel these phases coming on ,eating or drinking something sweet makes it pass over.My biggest problem is that my wife doesn't drive ,and it is causing real hardship.I also suffer from C.O.P.D. which means I can't walk too far as I would get very breathless.Oh .the other thing is ,if I expend too much energy too quickly I would feel the effects and my bs.would drop.What I can't seem to do...is to get my gp.of his backside and do tests.Whether even anyone has done a HBa1c test I don't know.Really getting so fustrated..
Thanks again...addboat.
P.S. Anyone had their license revoked for a year? Did they get it back before the year and how? ( sorry know this is probably in the wrong section)
Thankyou ,yes been on that site.That is my way of thinking as well .Don't think I am diabetic.Facts are ,,Use energy..blood sugars fall..to 3.!!! somethings.below 3...?? take hypo.Coke or similar and within a short space levels are up and feel fine.Now if you would be so kind as to try and get my doc. to think the same I will email you his address.LOLThe license issue is because I was taken to A&E and the report to my doc.was "Generalised Seizure .Unspecified",and with a history of similar albeit long time ago was enough to cause a kneejerk reaction.The driving thing is doing my head in!!!!....adrian
Could you get the neurologist to write to the DVLA on your behalf.

I think GPs have strict guidelines to follow - someone I know had their licence revoked when diagnosed with epilepsy. The thing was they had a type that only occurs during sleep - and guess what - they don't drive in their sleep. A consultants letter sorted it out.

Is there any info on the DVLA web-site has to how to protest ?
Oh.Dear ..and I thought some of the drivers around here drove in their sleep(mostly with little signs on their roofs.Lol.)Consultant said that he was okay with me to drive ,but it wasn't his decision and he would like me to see an endocrinologist.It seems that getting someone to say "this man is fit to drive" is the major problem.On alloccassions (5) I had warning and caused no problems to myself-passengers or other roadusers.Thanks to all...all thoughts and ideas welcome....adrian
p.s.No taxi drivers were harmed in the making of this post.
I had my driving license revoked for a year because some numpty cocked up my info at the DVLA - their records said I had untreatable double vision, rather than retinopathy. Despite my GP and consultant writing to them, the revokation stuck and I eventually got my license back in December. The DVLA weren't interested in their error, and refused to do anything about it or send me for any DVLA approved sight tests to prove that double vision wasn't a problem. They did send me for a field test before giving my license back though.

God I hate the DVLA, GRRR!
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