Where can I get...?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys

I have been pumping for a year now and I love it. However I miss wearing skirts! I cannot wear them because there is nowhere to put my pump. There are no pockets on my skirts and I hate to wear it on the waistband because it sticks out and looks stupid - also I am scared the pump will fall off!

Does anyone know where I can purchase some tight shorts - maybe lycra - to wear under skirts which have pockets in for a pump?

I would make some shorts myself but I have no idea how!!!

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated 🙂
What about running/cycling shorts? Most sports shops should have them in.

Have you tried wearing it clipped to to the back of your skirt, so it sits in the curve of your back? You could also try clipping it to the inside of the skirt at the back, because of the curve of your back it should be a bit more discreet?

Orrrrrr...creating a pocket for your pump on the inside of your skirt? Sew a small pouch (bit of material, baby sock, phone sock etc) somewhere.

Most of the pump cos do gizmos for attaching the pump to various bits of you - eg I have a very soft material belt for wearing UNDER clothes, which threads through the spaces on the pump skin, also lanyards and a bra pouch which would be ideal to safety pin inside a skirt or dress, as Shiv has suggested. Have you had a look on the relevant website to see what they offer?

Watch out for cycling shorts, a lot of em are padded under the crotch for quite obvious reasons, but may not create the effect you are after under a slim skirt! - esp if they were mens' shorts! LOL
I have just discovered that I can clip mine to the middle part of my bra or tuck it in like a chicken fillet under in my bra under one of my boobs. This meant that I was able to wear all of my holiday dresses, and my pump wasn't visible. Although I had to go 'fishing' for it when I wanted to bolus though!!
Ha ha thanks for the suggestions guys! I think I will attempt to sew some pockets into my skirts, also the spibelt is a really good suggestion, I never thought of wearing it round the back 🙂

I will keep searching for appropriate shorts but so far no luck. Thanks :D
Hi guys

I have been pumping for a year now and I love it. However I miss wearing skirts! I cannot wear them because there is nowhere to put my pump. There are no pockets on my skirts and I hate to wear it on the waistband because it sticks out and looks stupid - also I am scared the pump will fall off!

Does anyone know where I can purchase some tight shorts - maybe lycra - to wear under skirts which have pockets in for a pump?

I would make some shorts myself but I have no idea how!!!

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated 🙂

We made pockets for Millies clothes out of little socks (similar to mobile phone socks) as they fit snug and have a bit of give. If you stuck for time fabric glue them on 🙂
We made pockets for Millies clothes out of little socks (similar to mobile phone socks) as they fit snug and have a bit of give. If you stuck for time fabric glue them on 🙂

Ooh that is an excellent idea thank you!!! :D
I have a pair of these in skin colour
I thread the tubing down a leg and clip the pump under the leg bit on my inner thigh. You can't see the pump at all and it feels very secure because the pants are quite tight. I've tested this set up a few times with crazy scottish dancing at weddings and pump has never fallen out. Only problem is if I've had a few glasses of wine I forget it's not acceptable to go delving under skirt/dress to bolus! (Times where a remote would be useful!)
Just another option...
Thanks Julia that sounds like a really good idea! I think I will invest in a pair 🙂
Wearing a dress / skirt and going to weddings is stressful enough for me, even without a pump!!!

However, Scottish dancing is always fun, and my trouser suit has seen me through several weddings and a presentation at Buckingham Palace, so that's OK.

Adventure racing and mountain marathons are much easier to cope with! 🙂
I think some people just use those elasticated bandages too and tuck the pump inside. Somepne suggested this to me for night time, but in the end I've ended up more of a 'free-roamer'
Tried the spibelt, I love it! I can wear it on the waistband of my skirts with my top pulled over it and it's barely noticeable! :D:D:D
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