Where can I find a list?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

Well my first annual check and hba1c is really looming - Weds next week.
I am absolutely dreading it as the nurse talks to me like I am 7 and want to have the worst possible case of diabetes.

I want to try and turn this around and go well prepared.

Is there a list I can get from anywhere which clearly states at my annual review I should have a foot check and be referred for the specialist eye test? Last time I was told to book an eye test with my optician. Is there anything else I should be asking for?

I keep hearing 'Nice' but can't find anything specific to diabetes that says what i am 'legally' entitled to.

Any help would be most appreciated.

Sorry if I am panicking.
Hi Steffie,

thanks for this. This seems to be how one surgery does it - I bet mine doesn't.
I think I am going to have to be tough. I probabaly won't mention I am testing as this would probabaly only lead to the nurse going ballistic!
Hi Steffie,

thanks for this. This seems to be how one surgery does it - I bet mine doesn't.
I think I am going to have to be tough. I probabaly won't mention I am testing as this would probabaly only lead to the nurse going ballistic!

Yeah I have never had anywhere near that much care, at my anuual review he talked i listened he took my bp checked my weight and said how do you think the first year has been.Im hoping on my next one things will be diffirent as at that time it was my horrid GP now i moved im hoping my new GP will be better.
that may end up being an option for me to explore, but will see how this week goes first
that may end up being an option for me to explore, but will see how this week goes first

Yeah give it a go you never know you might be bowled over.I hope you will be doing a guess the hbA over the weekend.😉
Just wanted to add these questions may come in handy

What do my blood sugar results mean, and when should I call my doctor if im worried?
What type of physical activity/exercise is right for me?
What do I need to know about healthy eating and meal planning?
What should I do if I start to get sick at work?
How does my diabetes medications affect other prescription or over-the-counter drugs?
Thanks everyone. The lists are great Northerner and Steffie.
I feel well armed now.

Will let you know how I get on,
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