When you was first on the pump!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
How was it for you???

The way i see the pump, is its a tool, and when you give some one a new tool, you first need to teach them how to use it.
I was given mine as a replacment for the pen and to deal with morning highs, no idea what else it could do. What a waste, thousands of pounds for that.
I am not up on tech (cant even use my mobile too good, and won an ipad, but gave it away as i dont have a clue) so to just give me this pump with out training and understanding what it can do, well a bit of a waste.

On my 5th year and starting to use more functions, but all self taught.
How was it for you???

The way i see the pump, is its a tool, and when you give some one a new tool, you first need to teach them how to use it.
I was given mine as a replacment for the pen and to deal with morning highs, no idea what else it could do. What a waste, thousands of pounds for that.
I am not up on tech (cant even use my mobile too good, and won an ipad, but gave it away as i dont have a clue) so to just give me this pump with out training and understanding what it can do, well a bit of a waste.

On my 5th year and starting to use more functions, but all self taught.

That is ridiculous! There should be somebody that can answer any questions or give you advice if needed. I am self taught on my pump as well....but if I needed help I know that I can talk to my D team.
I am really shocked that people are given pumps and just told to get on with it........

my PCT would never give someone a pump unless they had shown they were ready, competent and pro active, just wouldn't happen....

I have heard of a few folk now who are in this position.......it would seem the HCPs don't actually know what the pump can do, they are just told to give X number of pumps to patient
That is awful. I got my pump in November and was given a day's training and then went back to the nurse two days later. I have seen her regularly since then. I also used the online teaching programme and was using extended blouses/multiwaves from day one. No point in having the pump if you can't maximise its use. That's why it is so important to have a supportive and helpful pump nurse.
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