When you don't feel like Eating


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Thought I would post some of the low carb stuff which I do.

This one I have posted about before, for me it was especially good for getting enjoyment out of eating when you don't feel like it.

Home grown tomatoes, cucumbers and basil* (but shop bought ones will do) -
chop tomatoes, thinly slice cucumbers and scissor cut or chop basil leaves, drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar to taste,
I found this very tasty and taste bud tantalising 😛

Image it was so delicious I already ate half of this before thinking to take a photo to remind me for another time;

This would also be very good as a starter.

*I am growing both green and purple basil this year.


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I don't have images. But if you have a nutri bullet or ninja blast or something similar.
I know on the educational training its said not to have too many smoothies and fruit juices but the amount was never established, I figure one every other day would be ok, but do go with what is sits rights with you.

Water or Almond Milk
knob of fresh root ginger
leafy greens, can be lettuce, kale, nasturtium leaves, anything you fancy
half banana, easy peeler OR two small portions of fruit you like or even just one type.
Blitz for a bit then add some ice, blitz some more.

Enjoy the health drink and food of your choice.
The other thing I am doing is growing microgreens and sprouting, all info on you tube if you are interested in this. These are good to add to any meal, salad, smoothie, of your choice. Broccoli sprouts supposed to be excellent for gut health are an acquired taste but in small quantities you wouldn't know they are there and so so nutritious. You can sprout many seeds, even lentils and the sprouted version and microgreen is more nutrient dense than the full grown plant. The image below is sprouted chia seeds, they are grown on naked sprout kitchen paper just kept damp by spraying 2-3 times daily. instant greens all year round, you never need run out.


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If you don’t feel like eating then it’s fine to skip a meal, unless very specific reasons like if you’re on a mixed insulin, or if you’re going to still take a medication like gliclazide but then also skip meals
I've also been fermenting foods and just love how the mixed red and white sauerkraut turned out. Its so simple (all info on you tube) I make 3 jars of this out of half white cabbage and half red cabbage, its just cabbage and salt fermented in its own juices. In the ferment the salt is not longer present. I think I added a bay leaf at bottom of jar to help keep the crunch. This also delicious with salad, cheese, ham etc.


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This was done with home made coleslaw using cabbage, apple and onion, squeeze of lemon and with seasoning of choice and lettuce with any other filling you fancy. I think the dressing was part mayo and part natural live yogurt. The carbs will be in the tortilla but the amount will depend on the size and type of tortilla you buy, or you could make your own I guess. This was delicious.


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One of my low carb meals - Morrocan Lamb Stew, with broccoli and small portion of cous cous which is a bit carby or you could use brown rice.


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Cauliflower fritters - nice with a bit of brown sauce on, you can add seasoning of choice in the eggs + cheese yum - wish I had a cauli today in the pantry. Just fancy this. I will add more here as and when. Its good to enjoy the food.


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Cauliflower fritters - nice with a bit of brown sauce on, you can add seasoning of choice in the eggs + cheese yum - wish I had a cauli today in the pantry. Just fancy this. I will add more here as and when. Its good to enjoy the food.
Thank you for the ideas. I might try some but I’m really not interested in savoury stuff. It’s the sweet things I really miss.
Thank you for the ideas. I might try some but I’m really not interested in savoury stuff. It’s the sweet things I really miss.
I understand that, I can do the sweet things too but not so advisable. Although I have made a milky jelly from bovin gelatine granules and almond milk, I added turmeric to it but you could easily add juice from blackberries instead that may well satisfy your sweet tooth depending on amount added and how often consumed :D