When treats can be tricky

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Though he's only 7, Shane Keller knows more about the human body than most adults learn in a lifetime. One thing he knows is that he can't attack a bag of Halloween candy face-first.
"I'm the same as you," said the San Ramon second-grader, who has Type 1 diabetes. "I just can't eat the same as you."
Years ago, his condition might have made Halloween scarier than a masked guy running around with a chain saw. Now the annual sugarfest serves as an illustration of how doctors, parents and even children have learned to manage the disease.
"The technology of diabetes management has changed dramatically the past 10 years," said Kathy Solis, a registered dietitian from the Center for Diabetes Services at the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. "One major stride is when the child is able to make small and simple decisions for himself."

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