When to eat b4 exercise

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Having read the thread about how women dominate the forum as they like to chat wheras men just want info......

I am a T2 pills and byetta controlled man who therefore needs to inject 30mins or so before eating. I try to do my exercise striaght from work at circa 6/6.30 then get home and inject and eat about 8/8.15. So far so good.

However, the running club I am trianing with are saying that I am doing well enough to move from the beginners group to the normal one, which is from 7-8.15 or so instead of 6pm (also my weekly badminton group is moving from 6.30 to 7.30 as well)

The dilemma is how do I deal with food as if I am meant to eat an hour before the exercise, that means I will have to carry my injecting pen and needles around with me, meaning that (as a simple man) I will doubtless leave it at work, forget it, lose it etc and not have my sharps bin to dispose of needles safely.

(I thought about two pens, as I have a work based BG tester and a home one etc, but the instruction say dispose of after 30 days, so I cant see that 2 a month is being fair on the rest of the NHS.)

Are there any sensible ideas of how to deal with this

Thanks to all forms of answer, short and to the point from the men and chatty and involved from the ladies!:D

Having read the thread about how women dominate the forum as they like to chat wheras men just want info......

I am a T2 pills and byetta controlled man who therefore needs to inject 30mins or so before eating. I try to do my exercise striaght from work at circa 6/6.30 then get home and inject and eat about 8/8.15. So far so good.

However, the running club I am trianing with are saying that I am doing well enough to move from the beginners group to the normal one, which is from 7-8.15 or so instead of 6pm (also my weekly badminton group is moving from 6.30 to 7.30 as well)

The dilemma is how do I deal with food as if I am meant to eat an hour before the exercise, that means I will have to carry my injecting pen and needles around with me, meaning that (as a simple man) I will doubtless leave it at work, forget it, lose it etc and not have my sharps bin to dispose of needles safely.

(I thought about two pens, as I have a work based BG tester and a home one etc, but the instruction say dispose of after 30 days, so I cant see that 2 a month is being fair on the rest of the NHS.)

Are there any sensible ideas of how to deal with this

Thanks to all forms of answer, short and to the point from the men and chatty and involved from the ladies!:D


I would suggest quite simply that you get into the habit of carrying your pen around with you at all times! Just have 1 pen and keep it with you on the days you run. Or leave one pen at work and just use it on the days you run. When Alex was on injections he had one set at home and one at school. Whilst it is a waste of insulin - there really was no way around it. If they made smaller vials it would solve the problem of waste - but they dont. Short and to the point - even though I am a woman!:D🙂Bev
Put yourself first use two pens.
Put yourself first use two pens.

I'd agree - at least try it for a month to see how it works out and if you think you can come up with some other possibility. The running etc. will be doing you the world of good so you want to get the most out of it that you can - in the long term this will be saving the NHS money by contributing to your continued good health!🙂
I very much doubt that you would be prescribed 2 Byetta pens per month (this is a fixed dose medication, so it's a different situation to insulins).

However, a suggestion that might help you deal with the needles is a BD Safe Clip, which clips off the metal part of disposable needles and contains them within the device - see http://www.bd.com/uk/diabetes/page.aspx?cat=14153&id=31358 These items are prescribable, hold up to 1500 needles, so last for ages.

Now, you just need to work out how to remember to carry your pen...

Good luck!
I'm with Copepod on this - as Byetta is pretty pricey, I doubt they will allow you two, both of which will be wasted as they must be used within 30 days.

I take it you must eat before exercise now because of the extra energy you will need from stepping up the pace? If this is not the case, there is no reason why you can't have a snack to tide you over and then eat later those evenings - you can inject closer to the meal - I have done this only 10 mins before when running late - just don't leave it over an hour before you eat- unlikely if you are not home too late! Maybe you could split lunch if you are worried about too much food between brekkie and dinner?

If you haven't already, you can get a free carrying pouch from Lilly which holds two pens and some needles. As the needles are not totally exposed, I would think any small container or small pouch will do to hold the used one until you get home- I pop the inner cover onto the needle to give it a bit of protection in those cases when i am away from home.

If find yourself forgetting your pen (makes you men look on our habit of hand bag carrying look not so daft now!) then a last resort might be to switch to Victoza which is only used once a day - depending on your condition and the doctors of course! They were talking about a once a week version of Byetta ...but I don't know what the outcome was.

There you go a mad rambling from a mad woman - that will teach you to go running when some of us are still mastering gettign out of the chair😉
That is what I like about this forum, helpful folks who understand humour (unlike some other forums which tend to get a bit heated at times!)

Thank you for your thoughts, I shall just have to 'man up' and get a handbag, or maybe not!

Better organised gets the winning vote.

Cheers all
That is what I like about this forum, helpful folks who understand humour (unlike some other forums which tend to get a bit heated at times!)

Thank you for your thoughts, I shall just have to 'man up' and get a handbag, or maybe not!

Better organised gets the winning vote.

Cheers all

I have seen lots of runners and cyclysts with bum bags, they come in a whole variety of colours (including DUK Pink). Some are more robust than others, depends how much you want to pay. Bum bags were originlly designed for athletes to carry a few essentials with them, and then became fashion items.
I have seen lots of runners and cyclysts with bum bags, they come in a whole variety of colours (including DUK Pink). Some are more robust than others, depends how much you want to pay. Bum bags were originlly designed for athletes to carry a few essentials with them, and then became fashion items.

Get a spibelt! http://www.spibelt.com/ 🙂
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