When to check? (diabetes project development)

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Hi there, my name is Rachel and I have been running a diabetes project since september.
Its going really well and I shall be posting up the final concept within two weeks after the prototypes have been made and tested.

A small brief summary of what I am doing:

The user group I am focusing on for this project is between the age of 11-18 (secondary school)
The reasons for this age is due to the rapid feedback I recieved from users who were finding it hard growing up and 'coming into their own' at school with this condition. They want something small, disgreet so they can go out with friends, sleepovers and so on without feelign different.

I wanted to take the chance to turn this around and create a device that would test your glucose and delivery insulin in one. This device is needle free due to the technology which is NOW being tested through parts of Europe, America and Canada.

I shall put up my finished project within two weeks so you can see what could be in 3 to 5 years time.


When do you know when to check your levels?

Thank you for all your time and I am very excited to show you the final presentation and concept.

All the best,

Rachel Kerr

we have to check our levels:
before every meal
before driving (and every 2 hours whilst driving)
before bed
before exercise (and during if exercising for a long period)
when ill (every two hours)
if we suspect hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)

I am sure other people will add to, amend this list. I am felling like a pin cushion just looking at it.

Can't add any more to rachelha, but good luck. I look forward to seeing the results.
i am looking forward to seeing the results too even tho im type 2 !
Just to make clear, it's not always necessary to have insulin each time I test my blood glucose, and sometimes (rarely) I will give myself insulin without testing eg if I have just eaten and wasn't able to test before hand, but know how much carbohydrate I've just eaten.
Before bed
at 3am
2 hours after breakfast
2 hours after lunch
arriving home from school and before a snack
before evening meal
2 hours after evening meal
when feeling hypo or hyper
before and afer any exercise
before and after P.E.
before and after a set change
before and after a sensor change
when ill
before and after any unscheduled exercise.

Alex is on a pump and so tests more than on MDI.🙂Bev
And if you're pregnant, like me and some others on the forum, we're told to test at all the times rachelha suggested and 1 hour after eating rather than two hours after.

And if you're pregnant, like me and some others on the forum, we're told to test at all the times rachelha suggested and 1 hour after eating rather than two hours after.


And then they tell us off for testing too much!! he he! :D (Sorry, couldn't resist...it's a "sore point" in more ways than one! 🙄)
if you listen to the advice coming from our doc`s and health workers there`s no need to check your blood all the time ,what a load of crap they talk pennypinchinggits,

here`s a cracker when my doc told me i had swine flu last week he then tells me i should watch my blood sugar as it will go up and down ,thats funny says i you told me i dont need test strips as i dont need to test my bloodsugar all the time ,lol
if you listen to the advice coming from our doc`s and health workers there`s no need to check your blood all the time ,what a load of crap they talk pennypinchinggits,

here`s a cracker when my doc told me i had swine flu last week he then tells me i should watch my blood sugar as it will go up and down ,thats funny says i you told me i dont need test strips as i dont need to test my bloodsugar all the time ,lol

I need closure on that anecdote - how did he respond to that one?? I've recorded all my results into an app on my iPhone, and am going to make an appointment with the doc to show how I've changed my diet in response to my test results.

The practice nurse warned me off frequent testing due to the cost of the strips - I've been buying up as many as I can from ebay. I'm hoping that the results will convince the doc to sanction me getting enough strips on prescription so I don't have to sell the dog/car/kidney to pay for them myself!!


It's also wise to check on a regular basis after having a hypo to make sure your treatment of the hypo is being effective.
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