When The Munchies strike what do you eat?

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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
It's all very well suggesting that we reach for the hummus with a few veggie sticks when The Munchies strike in the evening, but what do you go for when you've run out of hummus? As a rule we don't keep crisps in the house on a regular basis, and I avoid biscuits or cake generally . We keep almonds, Brazils and walnuts in the house, and a few of these helps. There's fresh fruit if I haven't had my ration and tiny bit of cheddar, but what are the other options? I'm tempted to try some unsalted peanuts, but I think that the roast cashews I bought on a whim this week will have to be rehomed after reading how much higher in carbs they are than peanuts. :rofl:
Olives and cheese, roasted salted mixed nuts, pork scratchings, some cooked meat with coleslaw, pickled beetroot/gherkins, a boiled egg with mayonnaise.
Personally I rarely buy hummus as my body extracts more carbs from chick peas (and beans and lentils) than they are supposed to contain, so hummus spikes me. Sometimes I will microwave some broccoli and have it with sour cream and chive dip.
Very occasionally I will make a low carb chocolate and peanut butter mug cake in the microwave and have some of that with natural yoghurt or cream.
My guilty pleasure at the moment are Grenade protein bars. The white chocolate oreo one is my fave. When the night time munchies kick in nothing else will do! 🙂
It's all very well suggesting that we reach for the hummus with a few veggie sticks when The Munchies strike in the evening, but what do you go for when you've run out of hummus? As a rule we don't keep crisps in the house on a regular basis, and I avoid biscuits or cake generally . We keep almonds, Brazils and walnuts in the house, and a few of these helps. There's fresh fruit if I haven't had my ration and tiny bit of cheddar, but what are the other options? I'm tempted to try some unsalted peanuts, but I think that the roast cashews I bought on a whim this week will have to be rehomed after reading how much higher in carbs they are than peanuts. :rofl:
Do you have any sort of desert after your meal as a low carb desert may stop you needing anything later in the evening.
Sugarfree jelly with some berries and cream, Kvarg deserts, high protein yoghurt would all be low carb.
Some good suggestions there, thanks folks. 🙂 I'm encouraged that maybe the peanuts may not be so much of a no-no. A case of moderation I guess. @Leadinglights I don't usually have a dessert, but I might give it a go. My fasting blood glucose is usually between 5.0 and 6.0mmol/l but lately it's crept more into the 5.5-6.5 range. I lost focus a bit over Christmas and New Year and although I got back on track within a couple of weeks perhaps I'm seeing a delayed reaction. Enjoy now, pay later!
I often have a few nuts or a packet of crisps, but also i am lucky because chocolate doesn't cause me to spike eaten in moderation

Or a chunk of cheese if the nibbles are hitting really hard.
when The Munchies strike in the evening, but what do you go for
If you’re getting hungry in the evening are you eating enough protein and veg with your dinner? Having a more filling dinner should help ward the hunger off later on. Are you drinking enough too?
If you’re getting hungry in the evening are you eating enough protein and veg with your dinner? Having a more filling dinner should help ward the hunger off later on. Are you drinking enough too?
Good point about protein. I used to be a regular user of the 'MyFitnessPal' app to keep an eye on my calorie intake when I was watching my weight and it had a pie-chart showing carbs, fat, and protein percentages and the protein level was quite often a bit below the app's 20% target - maybe 15%-18%. I stopped using the app since hitting a reasonable weight but I could do it again to see what it reports.
We tend to have a main meal at lunchtime with plenty of veg. We don't eat a lot of meat, but plenty of pulses - lentils, beans, peas, Dahl, hummus. A snack or smaller meal between say 5.30 and 7.00pm is likely to be more random - a sandwich (100% wholemeal), maybe tinned fish, scrambled egg, beans on toast. But sometimes I get to about 9pm and thoughts turn to nuts, crisps, toast-n-Marmite.... :rofl:
A snack or smaller meal between say 5.30 and 7.00pm is likely to be more random - a sandwich (100% wholemeal), maybe tinned fish, scrambled egg, beans on toast. But sometimes I get to about 9pm and thoughts turn to nuts, crisps, toast-n-Marmite.... :rofl:
Sounds like a better meal between 5:30 and 7 would help then, particularly if you could work out any pattern between the food you had then and whether you get hungry later on or not
A Kind bar, homemade fish pate or cream cheese with seeded crackers, soup (we always have some sort of homemade soup in the freezer), omelette, a cold sausage (I often cook more high meat content sausages than are needed with the sole purpose of keeping them for a snack attack), a chunk of Red Leicester and a small apple.
If you are managing your blood glucose with the diet you are having well and good but it sounds as if it is quite high carbs with the pulses and a beans on toast or sandwich for tea which will metabolised quickly and is likely then making you hungry later.
I know if we eat unusually early or have a snack meal because we have eaten our main meal at lunch time then I feel hungry later in the evening as we normally don't eat until 8pm.
When I find myself peckish and can't be bothered to inject or work stuff out. I offen much on olives(interesting because I used to really dislike olives)
Thanks all. @Lucyr I think you're probably right. It's really helpful to learn how others cope and the foods they use to get through those Munchies moments. I'm almost looking forward to the next episode so that I can try them. 🙂
For me, it's unsalted cashew nuts, blueberries or Walkers salt & vinegar chipsticks, on the odd
occasion I might steal one of my wife's Greek yoghurts....
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