When is best time to test my BS levels?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm still a little confused as when i am supposed to test as a Type 2. I have heard different stories ie before meals, after meals, 1 hour after meals, 2 hours after meals, I just need to know when is really the most important time for me as a Type 2 (diet/excercise controlled). I have got into the habit of testing first thing in the morning (fasting) but that is really just to give me and indication of what my levels are first thing but not a lot i can do about that but although most say that 2 hour post meal testing is important, some actually say one hour :confused:
I think it is a personal thing Carina personally I check my BGS:
before each meal
2 hours after each meal
before I go to bed at night...

On the odd occasion i test 1 hr after meal .
Hi again Carina,

In my opinion, it's much more important that you get to know your own situation by testing and much less important as to exactly when you test. Don't think of it as there being a right way and a wrong way! Also, everything depends at what stage you are at with your control.

To me an occasional 'on rising' fasting level gives me a good idea of how well I am doing generally. If that's in the 4s or 5s then personally I'm happy with that.

The next thing is to get to understand what your regular-type meals are doing to your levels. To do that it's best - but not essential - to test before the meal. The peak is usually one hour after finishing eating so I make that my preferred time to test. However, I sometimes also test 90 mins, 2 hours, or even further on still. In my case, I'm at the stage where my one hour results are nearly always below 7 and, again, I'm happy with that so I'm not testing very often.

If you are high 8 or over 2 hours after eating then there is little point in testing after one hour because you need to be working to get your two hour reading lower. However, if you are low after two hours then it's worth looking at testing after say one hour or even 90 minutes and trying to improve those raedings by making adjustments to your diet.

As explained previously, just keep working at it and making small changes to get your results down in stages. It does work!

To me, you always sound to be doing OK but you still seem to be getting over-anxious about what you are doing.

Why not tell us something about the results that you are seeing and people will then be able to give you more specific advice to help you improve your situation.

Best wishes - John
I think you need to get to know yourself. The jury is still out on 1 hour and 2 hour after meal testing, although some carbs peak more quickly than others. To begin with you will probably test lots, but as you get to know what will affect you most you will need to test less often.
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