When can I call my diabetes ‘in remission’

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Dear Forum,

for a month now my BG has been pretty steady. Between 6-7.5 fasting level AM. Between 5-6 during the day. Two hours after eating between 6-7.5. bedtime varies between 5-7.4. New HBA1c results tomorrow.
Hello @Largesse1!
So very good to hear that you are doing so well, and best wishes for good news on the HbA1c results tomorrow.

The 'official' definition of remission can take a while to achieve. The more important measure is seeing that your results are seeing that you have achieved getting your glucose levels well under control, and know what to do to sustain them at that level.
Diabetes UK says this:

Remission means that your blood sugar levels (also known as blood glucose levels) are below the diabetes range, usually without you needing to take any diabetes medication.

Remission is when your HbA1c — a measure of long-term blood glucose levels — remains below 48mmol/mol or 6.5% for at least six months.
This definition has been agreed by a team of international experts from here at Diabetes UK, the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes.
Diabetes UK says this:

Remission means that your blood sugar levels (also known as blood glucose levels) are below the diabetes range, usually without you needing to take any diabetes medication.

This definition has been agreed by a team of international experts from here at Diabetes UK, the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes.
I don't recall seeing this before, but personally I think 6 months is quite a short time frame.
I don't recall seeing this before, but personally I think 6 months is quite a short time frame.

I tend to agree.

I think this definition must have been agreed to by DUK/ADA/EASD fairly recently - maybe I'll see if I can dig up some colour on that.
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