What's the best pump, in your opinion?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I'm on the accucheck spirit combo, but I don't use the bolus advice (I work out the insulin I need etc in my head and I'm pretty good, plus I use the libre when I can afford it). My nurse said that means when I upgrade, I can go for a different pump that might be better, and to have a think about what I might want. It's a couple years away yet, but just wanted your opinions.
I'm on the accucheck spirit combo, but I don't use the bolus advice (I work out the insulin I need etc in my head and I'm pretty good, plus I use the libre when I can afford it). My nurse said that means when I upgrade, I can go for a different pump that might be better, and to have a think about what I might want. It's a couple years away yet, but just wanted your opinions.
I do the same as you, with very rare exceptions. I am interested in the responses too, although I am not sure that my clinic deals with any other manufacturers apart from Roche.
I have no complaints about my Combo, and the 24 hour support is excellent. But I have never used any other pump. Out of interest why do you d your own calcs rather than setting up the bolus calculator?
I have no complaints about my Combo, and the 24 hour support is excellent. But I have never used any other pump. Out of interest why do you d your own calcs rather than setting up the bolus calculator?
I will answer this one as it applies to me: I had a pump for six years before getting the Combo and got used to doing my calculations. I find the combo handset too bulky, preferring the nano meter in my handbag, and I can't be bothered feeding the carbs into the handset every time I want to eat.
I've been thinking about this since my last post and just want to add that I am a creature of habit as well, for instance I always eat 20g carbs at breakfast so don't need any calculating!
Radders explained it well. I get annoyed waiting for the pump to connect, and I don't always use the sugar tester constantly if I've got the libre on.

Also, often I'm on the go, eating as I walk. I can't remember the last time I sat down for lunch

I do te calculations in my head and I'm pretty accurate to what the reader says, but I've often worked it out before the reader finally connects to my pump to send over the insulin.

Sometimes I like to go out with just the nano meter as it's smaller, and I have a meter in my bedroom so I don't always use the same meter.

I'm also a creature of habit and tend to eat the same things. Which probably helps with my quick calculations.

Don't get me wrong, it's a great system. I'm just impatient. Ha ha
Medtronic are world leaders. I am on my 3rd after guarantees ran out (5yrs a piece). All my pumps still work fine & I take one away on holiday as a spare. Reduced basal or increase basal you chose any time. New pump even tells you when set change needed. Well tested 😉
I liked the Combo. Disliked the Insight 'cos its slow. Love my Medtronic.
Radders explained it well. I get annoyed waiting for the pump to connect, and I don't always use the sugar tester constantly if I've got the libre on.

Also, often I'm on the go, eating as I walk. I can't remember the last time I sat down for lunch

I do te calculations in my head and I'm pretty accurate to what the reader says, but I've often worked it out before the reader finally connects to my pump to send over the insulin.

Sometimes I like to go out with just the nano meter as it's smaller, and I have a meter in my bedroom so I don't always use the same meter.

I'm also a creature of habit and tend to eat the same things. Which probably helps with my quick calculations.

Don't get me wrong, it's a great system. I'm just impatient. Ha ha
I think I am too lazy now to sort out the bolus and the correction each time and happybto let my handset do the working form me. I have never even thought of leaving the handset behind. It contains so much mor than my meter now: paracetamol, plasters, emergency contact, £10 note, ...
I had a accucheck combo as my first pump. Good except for getting problems with air bubbles when filling cartridges. The Accucheck insight is what I am using at present, you don't have problems with filling cartridges as these are supplied prefilled. I change my cannula every 2/3 days and the complete infusion set once a week.
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