What's that in the depths of the freezer?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Don't know what it is but we'll eat it anyway. It's something vaguely tomato and courgette. Does anyone else do this? I have contemplated eating this before but now feeling too lazy to find anything else and prepare it. Bottle of red might improve the looks and taste!
Don't know what it is but we'll eat it anyway. It's something vaguely tomato and courgette. Does anyone else do this? I have contemplated eating this before but now feeling too lazy to find anything else and prepare it. Bottle of red might improve the looks and taste!
I did once take what I thought was soup to work and it turned out to be stewed rhubarb./ :rofl:
I did make a lot of soups the autumn after diagnosis (in 2022) and freeze them, and couldn't always tell which was which. I think I did once get out frozen pumpkin puree instead of actual soup
I had this problem, sometimes I could tell what it was from inspection in it's frozen state, but too often I'd be expecting something and got something else (only savoury thankfully as I don't freeze anything else).

I took to labelling pots that go into the freezer (indelible marker to draw a letter on the lid and a corresponding list on Google Keep saying what and when), however, there are some unaccounted for (I must have eaten it then forgotten to take it off the list, or the ice is particularly deep at the bottom!) and some on which I can't see a label (so either pre-labelling, or it's rubbed off - either way I should just bin the contents and start again).
I freeze small portions of chicken in a container and just take a bag out when needed. I said to my daughter after filling up the freezer as your home get out two as she likes a lot of chicken. I went to get my hair done to come back to the two full containers about 10 chicken or more worth of chicken fillets all now defrosted. So we all have freezer tales. Whatever it was in your container I hope it tasted good.
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