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whats on the menu


Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Well im off for my first meal out with family on Sunday since i was diagnosed , weirdly where as in the past it did'nt bother me now i have found out where we are going and whats on the menu before i even set foot in the car Sunday lol, it' like im preparing for militery exercise , i've looked to see what i can drink as well and this place dont happen to do diet coke nor diet lemonade which i usually drink so guess its tonic water for me , im wondering if im being abit o.t.t suppose at end of the day like many people say in here its not all about cutting out the food it's about eating the right amounts aint it? x
hope you have a good day and enjoy it

aw thanks for the Donald im sure I will x
I dont think your being ott! If it makes you feel less stressed and calmer - then thats a good thing surely? I often google restaurants and nutritional sheets before we go so as to lessen the stress!:D

p.s. have a great time! Bev x
If you're not driving, remember that wine, beer etc have less sugar than normal soft drinks or fruit juices. And if you're cycling or on public transport (admittedly usually most limited on Sundays), it's even easier! Otherwise, perhaps you could "bring your own" drink? Otherwise, it does get a bit boring when water is the only option. It's easier for Type 1s, as we can just have a bit more insulin to compensate for sugry drinks. You're right to say it's all about portion size - and taking account of calorie content, which is particularly increased by fat content.
Enjoy your meal!
I remeber my first meal out after diagnosis (April last year) - I tried the eat the most healthy option and I must admit I did not enjoy. Since then, I go for a bit of what I fancy...I even now and again have chocolate fudge cake if I can find it on the menu!!

Have a bit of what you fancy and really like - it's all abouyt moderation and if it is once in a while there is no harm, a little checky glass of wine will finish it of just nicely.

Enjoy yourself x
Relax and have a good time. I don't think you are being OTT in pre planning, it takes out much of the stress which pushes the sugars up!