whats gone wrong with me?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
as i was at the dn and also my doc the other day they have changed my tablets to 2 x 850mg metforman and 1/2 gliclazide 20mg for my diabetes i also take blood pressure tablets and also started anti depression tablets also .

yesterday my blood sugar when i woke up was at 9. had my breakfast and i went out with my family, while i was in a shop i felt light headed, sataggery dizzy and also sick my other half stated that i looked a bit spaced out i ate a twix and tried to eat a sandwich i felt bloated and sick i couldnt finish it.

when i got home around 3 my bs was 8 and i took another one a short while after. before dinner it was at 6 and tried to eat dinner but i still felt bloated and sick but as i had tablets i ate what i could.

today my blood sugar is at 7.1 before breakfast and i am kinda worried if im going to continue having repeats of yesterday over the next few days i was alway lead to beleve that you cant have hypo/hyper while on tablets tho im wondering if this is what im having
Hi Topcat, my answer is going to be the same as I just gave to shirl - it is possible that you are experiencing hypo symptoms because you BG levels are now lower on the new meds than you have been used to having, so your body is reacting as though you were low. As long as you are above 4.0 then it is not a true hypo, but it can still feel like it! I don't think the metformin alone could cause hypos, but the gliclizide is a med that can - although you are on a very low dose at the moment. If you feel like this again, test and if above 4.0 just have a small quantity of sweet food (a couple of jelly babies) and the symptoms should go.
could it be down to your increased dose if it is it could settle down
I definitely felt pretty poor after diagnosis when put on medication for the first time. I felt pretty light-heading during my daily walk quite a few times (so much so, that I wasn't sure that I'd get back home! But I did!!).

I no longer have those problems and hope that it will be the same for you too. If not, then talk to your GP.

thanks northerner 🙂

You're welcome 🙂 As Donald aslo says, the nausea may be due to your body adapting to the new/increased medication - hopefully iyou will become accustomed to it before too long. Make sure you tell the doctor/DSN about all the problems 🙂
because my numbers had been high prior to meds, when I started to come down I got hypo feelings even thoe I wasn't. Metformin on its own is unlikely to cause a hypo, but the gliclizide will as it stimulates the pancreas to produce more insulin, although if your numbers have been high a hypo is less likely (but not impossible).

Your body will soon get used to more normal numbers.

Also how long have you been on metformin? That causes some of the symptoms you describe (the bloating and lack of appetitie). It does settle after a while, but if you've been on metformin a while and are still getting the symptoms speak to your doctor for advice.
Hi Topcat, sorry u felt that way yeaterday I'm feeling same this morning! think with me is the Gliclizide along with the Sitagliptin! Can remember feeling awful for a few days when first starded Gliclizide but it soon settled! Hope ur feeling betta soon, if ur anything like me I hate the feeling of not being inconytrol :( x take care, lv shirl x do hp this makes sense as I still feel spaced out!
Hi Topcat
Most diabetes meds induce some kind of stomach related side effects, it could be the increase in Metformin and or the Gliclazide. Caroline's right, metformin alone doesn't cause hypos, but the gliclazide can.
I get light headed and spaced out when i'm high (on sugar....nothing else incase anybody was wondering ;-)). It could also be the anti-depressants.

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