what would you do

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
Alex went to a party today - mountainboarding. Levels were fine - no hypo's etc. Anyway got back to the boys house and they all wanted to go over to a local wood. Alex was 23 at this stage, excitement and adrenalin etc - so I said he couldnt go. Gave corrections and coming down nicely. He didnt go and was really good about it all. But the others boys went and when they came back they had been chased and pushed around by older boys. They were all scared. (all age 12 and other boys age 16 and over).

My question is, what would have happened if he had gone hypo due to being frightened etc and needed to stop and treat himself? Have any of you been in a situation like this and how did you get out of it? Its these sorts of things that worry me the most - other people not caring whether your diabetic or not!😱Bev

p.s. He has been between 3 and 4 for a few hours now - so a long night ahead!
Hi Bev, I can't offer any personal experiences - although I remember similar situations at Alex's age I didn't have diabetes then. Alex is pretty knowledgeable about his diabetes, so hopefully this will help him to recognise and avoid such situations if he feels in the slightest bit at risk.

Maybe some of our long-diagnosed members can relate how they dealt with things?
Hi Bev

I can't remember being in any situations like that but I'm sure as a teenager I must have been in a few worrying corners. As Northerner said, you tend to keep in mind what's going on and try to assess blood sugars.
It's all good practice for adult life where these things can happen just as often. I've probably been in more uncertain situations in the past 10 years than I was in my teens. The worst thing is to avoid them for fear of what might go wrong which would mean him missing out on the fun.
Sounds like he has plenty of common sense and would be able to cope with pretty much anything. 🙂

Tough one. Always carry a bottle of lucozade with me whenever am with friends.

It's not that I don't trust others, but feel that I am more effective treating myself.
hiya , i was bullyed quite badly when i was a kid and actually found in those situations(being pushed about etc) my b.s went up , i think as children the responce is the same as an adult with diabeties and stress , and god help any kid who backs a hypoing kid into a corner!!!... its all about self preservation and instinct , even if he is not usually agressive when hypo if some one stops him trying to treat himsef that self presivation will kick in ,
he will find ways to deal with situations like that... we all did as diabetic kids.
but i also understand your worry being a parent myself , mabey its worth sending him out with the mini gluco gel tubes might be a good idea , i know they are not nice but easily taken in a difficult situation
ooh i remember the days, when people would be shouting at me then all of a sudden wham i'm low and they start to worry it's their fault i feel like i'm about to fall down.
I usually had my test kit on me, with glucotabs and capri suns, well i still do actually.
but if that situation occurred and there were friends with me i would just look at them tell them i need to sort my sugars out and get them to leave these other boys alone!
gah, boys think there so big and clever ahahahha
It is diffcult, we all worry for our children - I do hope you can trust his friends to be there for him if its happened, are they aware of his diabetes? do they know what to do if it's happened? Guess thats what I will be questioning Carly's friends when they want to go without me!
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