What Type Of Fast Acting Insulin Do You Use?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I'm currently using Novorapid for my fast acting insulin and levermeer for my long acting insulin, however I have been experiencing problems with my Novorapid , regarding it not seeming to work and my blood sugars remaining high despite taking large correction doses. I would really, really appreciate it if you could post which sort of fast acting insulin you use, as I am going to the diabetic clinic tomorrow and the GPs on Tuesday and then I can ask to have my insulin swapped over. I would really appreciate some suggestions as to what to be swapped over to.
Many thanks in advance
eyeko xx
Sue, thankyou once again for an excellent reply, may I ask do you take this before meals? Do you use it in conjunction with carb counting? because that is what I do with my Novorapid....

I use Novorapid x 3 & Levemir x 1. This is the only insulin I have tried so I can't comment on others! I am going to see my diabetic nurse tomorrow as I seem to either be very high (upto the early 30's) or having load of Hypos (have had about 15 in the last week!). I find if I up the units I have hypos so have to eat when I'm not hungry & put on weight or go too high! I don't seem to be able to win! When I go to the hospital they comment on my weight gain/loss so thats another issue I am battling with!
Sue, thankyou once again for an excellent reply, may I ask do you take this before meals? Do you use it in conjunction with carb counting? because that is what I do with my Novorapid....

Bovine neutral is used 1/2hr before meals and yes I carb count. I use it in my pump 🙂
Before pumping I used it with Isophane on an MDI bases as you do with your 2 insulin's
Rubyloo I am on the same reigeme as you and I can't say that it's really working for me either. I've had sort of a few weeks where I was having hypo after hypo and then times when no matter how much extra insulin I take I just can't get my blood sugar down despite being very careful with my carb counting and weighing everything. This is also causing me a problem with ketones and I've been at the hospital, friday, saturday and sunday this weekend with high ketones. The hospital are nice to me and I am allowed to go home when the ketones have dropped and the blood gas test for DKA has come back negative, however they can't really seem to do much about the blood sugars staying so high except suggesting to keep on taking correction doses. I do but they don't seem to work at the minute. I'm off to the diabetic clinic too tomorrow so here's hoping that we both get some good help and advice. Best of luck and well wishes to you xxxx

Sue may I ask, when you used the Bovine neutral before pumping did you take it in an injectable form? xxxx
Sue may I ask, when you used the Bovine neutral before pumping did you take it in an injectable form? xxxx

Hiya yes it is available in pens or syringes.
I used vials as you can mix the Isophane (Basal) and neutral in the same syringe.
In my book 3 jabs is a lot better than 4 or 5 :D
Hi eyeko,

I use novorapid as my fast-acting and lantus as my background. I carb-count, and although it's not perfect, it does seem to work pretty well for me. How long have you been on the novorapid? Have you been having the ketone problems just recently, or has it always been a problem? Unfortunately, diabetes can refuse to play ball sometimes, there may be other factors at play. I hope that your visit to the clinic gets you back on the right track to good control!🙂

i use novorapid and its ok but i do have alot of hypos then we i try to reduce my insulin it is too high so i cant win either but im still waitin to go on the carb course so maybe after that i will be ok

I use Novorapid & Levemir. I found that once I'd got the dose of Levemir correct I had better control. I take 26 units at night and that sorts me for the day. I carb count, although I haven't been on a DAPNE course, and eat if I'm hungry - or don't if I'm not.
I am on Humalog and Lantus.

There was a very useful booklet with the last Balance issue, which showed all available diabetic products I think.
I use lantus and novorapid. I fidn the novorapid quite predictable and i like it as an insulin, as long as i get my carb counting and dose right then it works well.
I inject it after I eat, which i know is unusal but that works best for me.
i also inject after i eat as i like my food and tend to be a little ambitious with my portion sizes!! i inject for what ive actually eaten not how much i piled on the plate and thought i could stuff myself with!! :D
i also inject after i eat as i like my food and tend to be a little ambitious with my portion sizes!! i inject for what ive actually eaten not how much i piled on the plate and thought i could stuff myself with!! :D


I particularly find at lunch I don't know how much of my packed lunch I'm going to end up eating. Eating out I can decide to have a pudding or not and only do one injection.
I am currently on Apidra for fast acting onyl on small amounts though newly diagnosed in Dec 2008. 2unit breakfast 4 unit lunch 4 unit dinner. Glargine (Lantus) background 6 units. I seem to be the only one on Apidra.
Novorapid here. Has anyone else got the new pens of Novorapid? All fashioned up bright orange?
Got a new pen yesterday for my novorapid. Blue, yellow with a touch of green. must be fashion thing.🙄
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