What Type Of Canula Do You Use

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Tony R

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Going on from a previous thread, my son has been getting quite a few issues which have required a set change to get his levels down. He's 14 and quite skinny.

We've arranged to see his diabetic doctor where we're going to discuss the possibility of changing to another type canula - he's currently on the standard Teflon 90 degrees one which came with his Medtronic pump.

I just wonder what other kinds of canulas other diabetics are using and any issues as a result of using them. He's quite sporty so the only thing we're worried about changing to a metal one, is it getting knocked.

Any comment welcome.
Hi Tony, my son is also skinny and didn't get on with the 90 degree sets at all (Quicksets and Mios). He changed to using Silhouettes (angled insertion) years ago and has never regretted it! They are Teflon, not metal.
Plus you can get tape to stick over the whole caboodle and make sure it stays firmly in place - which, as most cannulas have a raised bit in the middle, it makes that a smother surface and thus, less able to be accidentally knocked.

If he's a scrum half though - it may be best to revert to MDI those days ! LOL :D
Going on from a previous thread, my son has been getting quite a few issues which have required a set change to get his levels down. He's 14 and quite skinny.

We've arranged to see his diabetic doctor where we're going to discuss the possibility of changing to another type canula - he's currently on the standard Teflon 90 degrees one which came with his Medtronic pump.

I just wonder what other kinds of canulas other diabetics are using and any issues as a result of using them. He's quite sporty so the only thing we're worried about changing to a metal one, is it getting knocked.

Any comment welcome.

Tony, it doesn't matter what cannulas everyone else uses. Your son needs one that suits him 🙂 So give Medtronic a ring and ask for sample packs of cannulas to try.
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