What to do again......

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have just spent 10 mins writing this post and somehow it let me write it all out then said I wasnt logged in..? Anyho I need your lovely peoples advice.. I am going on holiday at the end of the month on the holiday we can do mountain biking snowboarding and walking etc hopefully there may be some snow left !!! What it is at the moment I do quite a bit of excercise in the week but this will be a differant form of excercise and proberbly a bit more intense especially the snowboarding...what I am worrying about is do you think I should get one of those pens that you use when you go unconcious ? (I havent needed one so far touch wood) Now I will have my normal hypo supplies such as small cans of pop and jelly babies but do you think I should get one of these pens? (Could you also let me know the correct name please) I think I am stressing about this as normally I can control all my days and weeks but this is a holiday and I dont want to put my friends in a position where they many need this pen but I havent been fully prepared for them.... :confused: Thanks for any advice would be appreciated..🙂
Hi Vanessa I cant help with your question but wanted to say have a lovely holiday hope it is somewhere hot xx
Hello from Newcastle, Vanessa! Do you go to the clinic at NGH? I got a glucagon pen from them before a holiday last year, I just asked for it and they gave it to me at my clinic appointment. I wanted one as I was going on an active holiday too and although I'd never been in a position to need it I just felt reassured by having it with me, especially in a foreign country where you may not have quick access to an ambulance and paramedics. I made my boyfriend read the instructions before hand, and made sure that he always knew where it was in my bag.

I'm sure you won't need it but it's better to be safe than sorry. Hope you have fun!


PS The first nurse I asked about it said that it would be no good on holiday as you had to keep it in a fridge, but you can actually keep it out of the fridge for 18 months, so make sure they have their facts right!
Ahh that makes me feel better thankyou pigeon will call the doctors tomorrow. Yes I am with the NGH team too , they always seem really good and helpful. I will bear in mind about the fridge advice thanks although hopefully there will still be snow so that should keep it fairly cool anyway.
Thanks for your reply too Steff it will be nice to just have a holiday I think havent had one in sometime cheers guys 🙂
Hi Vanessa, I moved your thread to the General Messageboard so more people would see it🙂 Sounds like you have got the pen problem more or less sorted - I hope you have a brilliant holiday and that you don't need it! Remember to test regularly and keep a good supply of jelly babies to hand when you are out and about. Also, remember that exercise can affect your sensitivity to insulin fr many hours afterwards, so you might need to reduce your doses.

Have a lovely time, and let us know how it goes!:D
p.s. I think that if you check the box next to your name where it says 'Remember me' then it will stop you from being logged out when you are typing a post - it's very annoying I know!

Yes definitely get a Glucagon injection kit. Infact get two. You can keep one in the fridge and one with you.

Doing more sports than normal will have an effect on levels as you know but also even more so in the snow. I have a couple of friends whose type 1 children went ski-ing and the extreme cold plays havoc with levels. It is also not good for insulin so make sure it doesn't freeze. Plus your glucometer, they don't like lower levels so you should keep that in an inside pocket to keep it warm or you will have to warm it up under your arm or somewhere if it is too cold.

Sounds like a fun holiday, far to energetic for me though. 🙂
Thanks northerner for moving the post as you know I had trouble just writing it... maybe if I posted more it wouldnt take me so long to write the post. Adrienne I forgot about the temperature aspect too was just concentrating on the excercise aspect thanks for the reminder will get everything in order this week and hopefully no more stressing just excitment for a holiday yipee :D
Vanessa - you might be interested in joining MAD (Mountains for Active Diabetics) email group, an informal international group of people who participate in many mountain activities - see http://www.diabetic.friendsinhighplaces.org/
Basically, as long as you keep your blood glucose meter inside your clothing, it won't get too cold, although getting blood out of cold hands can take a while. A glucagon pen is only any use IF travelling with someone who is prepared to use it - most people find sweets, sugary drinks etc can work at earlier stages, so that you never get unconscious.
Alright Vanesse, i have only had diabetes a year so i havnt had much experiance with the pen u r talkin about but i hav just cum bak from boarding in france. I took hypo foods like u r sayin and reduced my insolin. Make sure u hav a big breky and lunch. that worked for me. hope u get sum nice powder! oh yeah, your testing kit prob wont work in extreme temperature. so if in doubt eat anyway, u r only gonna burn it off.
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