What support is available for parents of adult Type 1 offspring with complications?


Relationship to Diabetes
I have asked this question before but am nearing breaking point now and don't know where to turn for the right support. Counselling could help with my emotions, but what I really need is to know how to support my son with the complications he is enduring and make life a little more bearable for him. Is anyone else experiencing anything similar?
I’ll be honest, I don’t really know but possibly your GP or Diabetes UK might be a good place to start. They could at least point you in the right direction.

Take care xxx
with my emotions, but what I really need is to know how to support my son with the complications he is enduring and make life a little more bearable for him. Is anyone else ex
I'd say doctor and DBUK as well. Through my job (I work as a regulated protection adviser) I know that if you have life cover (or other protection cover, critical illness, income protection etc...) you may have some built in private consultations which can be used for support you and your family through difficult times. Its not usually talked about much, but when you need help its worth looking into as it is often overlooked and usually in place. Hope you get the assistance you need. Take care
I have asked this question before but am nearing breaking point now and don't know where to turn for the right support. Counselling could help with my emotions, but what I really need is to know how to support my son with the complications he is enduring and make life a little more bearable for him. Is anyone else experiencing anything similar?
Sounds like you have so much to cope with @JCTH and looking to do the best for your son. It must be so tough to watch your son go through such hardship and not be able to take the problems away. If you feel able to, could you tell us what kind of complications he is living with and we'll do our best to support both of you.
My heart breaks for parents and loved ones in general of people who struggle to engage with their diabetes. I can't imagine how tough it must be for you.
Diabetes is relentless and even without complications, it impacts all aspects of life. As someone who struggles with mental health issues myself, I know how that can make the simplest tasks really challenging. Thankfully I found this forum and I learned so much from others here (far more than from medical professionals) which gave me confidence to manage my diabetes well and confidence really is incredibly important, which is perhaps why your son has struggled if he felt he was being criticised by those who should have been supporting him. I think that is a sad reflection on them rather than your son, but once you let things slide it can seem like an enormous mountain to climb to get back on top of things and the high BG levels or rollercoaster can just feed depression.

I went back and looked through your previous posts and it sounded like he was doing a bit better after he got Libre. Was that improvement short lived or has he been able to maintain it? Has he been in touch with his clinic or had any appointments with them since then? Is he interested in tech? I know it can be difficult to be interested in anything when you are depressed, but if tech and gadgets and computers are something he is good with then I am just wondering if that was why the Libre helped him before and if so, whether some more tech might be the answer for him.

As regards yourself, if you are classed as a carer, then there are supposed to be carer support services, but it is not specific to diabetes and by all accounts a bit of a postcode lottery, but may be worth enquiring what is available in your area. Is it more emotional support that you need or practical support as well?

Sending virtual (((HUGS))) because you are clearly in a very heart wrenching situation and wishing you and your son a lifeline to help you all out of this horrid impasse.

I agree with others that contacting the Diabetes UK helpline might be useful. The number is at the top right of the screen next to the Orange "Donate" button. Please keep coming back to us, when you need to express your frustration and worry. Since you are a counsellor yourself, you know it is important to let it out. For me sometimes just typing it here on the forum helps me to rationalize it a bit and see a way forward. Let go the things I can't change and work on the things I can.