What should I do after exercise?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,
Please can any of you fitness fanatics (Northerner/Cazscot?) out there help with some advice. I think I have hit the exercise hard in the last 2 days and will have a day off tomorrow.

However at the moment my feet and legs absolutely kill. Any advice? I have done the stretching and power plate etc, but when I get up now I am very very stiff and my ankles and soles of my feet really hurt. I am used to exercise but not s much as in the last 2 days - 1 session was PT so say no more!

would a bath help -not had one in years (best mention I have showered though!)
Wish I had gone in the jacuzzi straight after now.
Warming down afterwards is very important, as is sufficient recovery time. If you are still feeling sore after tomorrow then I think you should give it another day to recover. The body gets fitter when you stress it by exercising and then allowing all the little micro-injuries that this produces to fully recover, then stress it a bit more - this results in upping the level at which the body feels stress, so what you did a couple of weeks ago not longer hurts so much! As you get fitter and stronger, your recovery time should be shorter, but I think it's very important in the early stages not to overdo things - you can end up getting injured and then be laid up for weeks!

Don't believe these films where they show people flogging themselves half to death without ever taking a break, it does you no good at all in the long run (so to speak!).

Try doing some gentler exercise on your 'rest' days, like a walk or pilates/yoga or something as this will help to clear the lactic acid from your muscles which is what makes them sore 🙂
Thanks - would a jacuzzi and steam help?
Thanks - would a jacuzzi and steam help?

I can't really comment on that Lucy, as I don't have experience of either! I did have a sauna once and it helps to get the circulation going and can help to remove the lactic acid from the muscles, so I imagine that steam and/or jacuzzi would be beneficial 🙂 Paula Radcliffe swears by her ice bath - but I'm not that dedicated!

I should just add that I just have a shower afterwards and a bit of gentle stretching (don't go pulling any muscles by overstretching!)
Thanks - am off for sauna instead of steam and a relaxing jacuzzi then - will take your advice on gentle stretching too.
Oh Andy - that is so funny. He has 'tried to help' though. Feeling a lot better after jacuzzi and sauna last night and stretching whilst in sauna as Northerner advised.

PT rang me last night too and is sorting some shoe pads out for me to stop the ankles and knees hurting. She is also reviewing everything I am doing as I know I have overdone it myself this week - by doing a little extra than I was told to do. Naughty girl - must listen to PT!
Thanks - am off for sauna instead of steam and a relaxing jacuzzi then - will take your advice on gentle stretching too.

I've always been confused by the warnings forbidding diabetics from going into saunas and steam rooms.

Anyone know why?
I've always been confused by the warnings forbidding diabetics from going into saunas and steam rooms.

Anyone know why?

It's the age-old thing of covering themselves, since they don't know how good or bad your control is, or whether you have complications or likely to suffer hypos etc., I suppose. Some people are more likely to hypo when it's hot and you don't get much hotter than saunas and steam rooms so you do have to be careful.
I always sit right next to the emergency button!
I should imagine a big pointy finger comes down and points at you.

At my club - a call goes out for 'mr stickers' which always makes me laugh as it is supposed to be an anonymous name - but when you watch the team 'eventually' walk almost breaking into a run) past with full medikit in hand - its a bit obvious.

I have to laugh, during my first PT session a call went out for Mr Stickers to go to the gym - and all of my friends downstairs thought it was for me! Says it all really!
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